Barber issue and user friendliness for players with OCD

hello! first id like to say that I’m absolutely in love with this game, it is nothing short of fantastic! With that said I’m very disappointed with the character creator and barber options. I feel that after so many people have played Elden ring, which lets you change any every detail of your character down to you name as many times in as many ways as you like, having a character recreator with limited options just feels out dated. additionally the things about your character that you cant change: name, body type, height, and personality have the greatest impact on the game and your character and gameplay, especially personality and height.
on the topic of personality and height it feels weird that in this world where bodily augmentation and lobotomies are common place, i cant change those.
this is made much much worse by the leveling system, if i start to find my characters voice super annoying 20 trust levels in am i just supposed to deal with it or delete my character?
well, for me anyway, yes.
here’s the other thing, i have OCD, and its terrible. when my OCD decides that my character might be one inch too tall or too short or that their name isn’t right or has the wrong number of letters in it, or i find out that one of their bark/quips has a trigger word in it and i cant just make those changes at the barber I HAVE to delete my character and start over or else it will drive me crazy.
so far i have deleted about 30 lvls of progress bc of these issues
i know that this wont be nearly as big of a deal for most people but it will still be a quality of life improvement for them.
thank you for the opportunity to give my feed back and possibly make this game better for people like me; all we want is to have less distractions on our minds as we purge the heretics!

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How do I understand you, I have the same problem and in the same way I have already recreated probably 30 characters due to the fact that at some point I did not like his height or voice. I really hope that the developers will pay attention to people like us and add a way to change all these character parameters.

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