I think this particular modifier is a bit of a mess at the moment, on top of being the hardest around.
It’s supposed to give players the feeling of being starting characters again. But it’s doing something different, let me explain why.
Starting characters have got hero power adequate for their level, as they’d start playing on recruit. Morover, this modifier doesn’t disable all the talents, as it’s supposed to, so player can still benefit from temporary health, prize bounty, etc.
As it is, it’s a tough mess that allows only very specific meta builds and it’s incredibly tough (arguably no fun) to pull it off.
My suggestion is this: have it remove talents and item properties as it’s supposed to, but leave hero power intact.
Hero power is the math of the game, and it’s there for balance. This way players can do legend BtB deeds at the appropriate difficulty, with the - considerable but fun - challenge of having not to rely on their loved builds and customization.
This way it’s even conceivable to combine this modifiers with others, for an even greater challenge.