Happy new year, happy birthday and merry christmas and thank you for Vermintide 2.
So yesterday i was playing a quickplay when a guy asked me if i was french and i answered yes and asked why.
He told me that he asks because he is french himself and he sees me constantly inspecting my weapons.
He told me then that the default keybind for V2 is based on qwerty keyboards and most ppl using azerty do not realise that default weapon inspection key is Z.
Z is our W,it s moving forward.
So i spent 300 hours of gameplay in constent weapon inspection when going ahead,wondering why ranged weapons reload did feel so bad and it was because moving forward was systematicly procing weapon inspection,canceling the reload.Now at least im a god and Legend became A LOT easier however i beleve even if it s a funny detail it s something to inform you about.
Thank you FATSHARK, i can see SIgmar much better now.