When you are levelling your character from lvl. 1 to lvl. 30 your character is getting better but it’s fine because (in most cases) you are learning the game mechanics and to play the specific class.
But once your character is lvl. 30 it is endgame ready and should not get any better. From that point it is only you the player who gets better.
I have to agree with people who mentioned that these ‘universal points’ would ruin the idea of a skill tree. You brought Vet’s talent tree as an example and I have a feeling that you got this idea because you simply don’t like it. I don’t like it either - I think it is a poor design at it’s current state. I even wrote a post about it here: Vet's talent tree is good but not great (details there). Anyway, trees can be improved. My point is that all players above lvl. 30 should have access to the same nodes and the tree should branch from the top and remain uninterrupted.
I do like the idea of an Auric Prestige System. I do think that levelling above 30 should be rewarded but the rewards should not effect the gameplay directly.