Auric Operative Prestige System & Universal Skill Points?

  • Yes, Auric Operative Prestige System would be Great…
  • Yes, to the Prestige System but not Universal Skill Points
  • No, i dont think the this would be a good addition.
0 voters

so what is their to do when you hit level 30 in Darktide?
you can try to get better and better weapons and Curios?
you can buy cosmetics for the Fashion Tide mini game?

what if their was a Prestige System in Darktide?
where as you could see how far after level 30 you have gotten?
where your experience still matters and those Curios you have still have use?
maybe you gain a special Talent point that can be placed anywhere on the Talent tree?

how would all this work?

Auric Operative System

the Auric option is available to players after reaching level 30 on any of their characters.
Entering Auric Mode, players can trade their current Characters level(returning to level 1),
in doing so they become an Auric Operative with their Auric level starting at 1 their first Prestige.
players would have to work back up to Level 30 again, in order to Prestige again to Auric Level 2.

this converts one of your Talent Points into Special Universal Talent point.
that can be used anywhere on the tree, after being placed it can be used as the Starting point.
allowing for new and better ways for players to build out in their characters Talent Trees.
prestiging the first time, players would have 29 Talent Points and 1 Universal Talent Point.

any unlocked areas of the Morning star will remain unlocked and open to you.
this includes the Armoury Exchange, Shrine of the Omnissiah and Sire Melk’s Requisitorium,
as well as both Weapon and Mission restrictions will also remain fully unlocked to you.

a character who has prestiged 30 times would have all their points converted to universal points.
this would be a great boon to the player and give the apex of their characters customization.
and they would also have a combine level of 930(30^2+30) Auric Operative Level 30.

Gold Node is the Universal Skill node. which is created when a lone node is selected in the tree.
this would allow this Veteran player to Skip the 3 middle nodes and Jump right to Grenadier.
this would save the Veteran player 3 nodes allowing them to be spent lower on the tree.

this new Prestige System would also increase rewards based on your Auric Prestige level.
this being Change of better war-gear from the Emperors Gift, Experience and Dockets.
giving players not only a new Ladder to climb but also helping with some of the grind.

Thoughts Comments Concerns?


So how many prestige point would you allow ?

And are you thinking of 30 + Prestige point or keeping the total number of points at 30 ?

Cause otherwise it would be a bit too strong.

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im thinking to keep the points are 30 perhaps
this feature would allow for players to “trim the Fat” from their builds.

i feel adding more points could cause some issues with power creep.
but it could be something to look into in the future.

in the end a character who has prestiged 30 times would have all their points be universal points
this would be a great boon to the player and give the apex of their characters customization.
and they would also have a combine level of 930(30^2+30)

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I could end up being very difficult to balance, but if it work why not.

Tbh I think if they need to do a great range Prestige system they should do it with a PD2 system.

It’s easy, it doesn’t really change the possible balance and only make it so that you increase reward, like instead of having them be experience it would be Dockets, Melk, Plasteel and Diamantine

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Cries in Payday 2 hours spent

Here we go again.

well you still have the same number of points,
so i dont think that much balancing would be needed if any.
remember you would need to get to Auric level 30 to complete this
so i think it would be a really good way to give more reward to the endgame,

also i was using PD2 Infamy as a base but with the extra Point Change.
the PD2 system is a really good system for giving players to look forward to something.

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To be honest, considering how well balanced the trees mostly are, I don’t even think it would be an issue if you got 5 more or so points extra.

I actually wouldn’t increase more power through talents. You already have enough to hit the end of a chain and widen out. You generally don’t want to give people everything they want as it causes homogenization and less interesting choices.

I would actually say, a prestige system? Sure, but, I would do it to unlock cosmetics. More frames and weapon skins and such. Give those true level 900’s something to show off with.

But I think a better thing would be to unlock some resource like red dust to unlock weapons and curios being perfect. Reach level 30 a second time, get red dust or something to upgrade 1 weapon or curio to “red”. No locks and modifiable modifiers.


WWZ had a system like this. It was ok, but a bit too tedious after you do it once or twice… Otherwise the proposal isn’t bad tho.

well remember this only replaces your Talent points with Universal Talent points.
allowing you to flush out your talent tree more, and trim the fat,
you dont really gain any new talent points

I’m not on board with this idea.

I believe it’s obvious that FS stuck with this talent tree design partially to emphasize teamplay over self-sustenance by splitting playstyles, polar opposites being separated the furthest (e.g. ranged and melee).

To allow for a better jack-of-all-trades the way I see it is mostly what players who solo in a cooperative game wants. It makes perfect sense to me that sacrificing the powerful talents at the bottom is required to go for a jack-of-all-trades.

Having a universal skill node breaks the concept of a talent tree, floating branches should not be a thing.


Agree, prestige affecting skill tree will kill class identity.

Imo it may be something (new materials maybe you get for leveling) that allows you to remove locks on weapon or buff weapon stat caps over 80%. Or as a new skill tree dedicated to weapons, or something, where you can put a point for +1% to finesse/mobility/stopping power/etc so it will be like character bonus modifier that applies to weapon if it has such stat.

Or maybe some nominal bonuses, like +0,1 toughnes point/0,01% stamina regen/move speed per presitge level. So it will be noticeble on 500 lvl charatcer, but at the same time will not carry you through the top challenge only cause of these bonuses.


i dont think this design mentality will change with my idea.
universal talent points wont change any team play the talent tree would create.

most of the talent passives lost will likely be:
a +5% Melee damage Vet a ranged build.
a +5% health on anOgryn damage build.
a +5% movement on a Psyker Warp build.

yes it would make your character stronger, but this would be the slowest power creep ever.
and at Auric level 30 where you have everything you would have had to spend 2000 hours in game.
so im not seeing an issue with this as its a buff that will help players at Auric level 1 the most.

The skill trees are a great start, but I’m unlikely to make it even to damnation any time soon, let alone Auric missions. Prestige would keep me engaged and coming back, even if it’s 5% spread across a few stats. Not something like Crit chance obviously, but a little toughness would let me move things around.

Why do you care about levels or statistics?

I play the game because it’s fun. Nothing else matters.

I think it should be like vt2 you start prestiging on lvl 30 + instead of relevelling from start this would make it more enjoyable having all abilities.

I do agree that this kind of system would improve the basic gameplay loop. Allowing access to prestige cosmetics etc.

However I would like to see more maps, weapons especially for the ogryn first.

I would rather quit than level up a character from 1 again. It was no fun the first time and wouldn’t be any more fun the second time around.


i mean ya i do that but also wouldnt it be cool it their was a way to show how far you have gone in the game, to show:

Hey this is my AURIC Operative Character!

i think it would be cool.

i mean that is an option, just restarting the level for you to level up and not reduce your points.
just change your talent points form(30 Talent Points) to (29Talent points & 1 Universal Talent Point)
keeping the points you have just converting one, have the level restarting is just visual.

i do not think a prestige system that strips you back to level 1 is a good idea when gear drops are linked to character level and it would completely gimp all your progression until you hit 30 again.

It gives an absurd boost too, even with 5 “universal points” you can grab all the powerful perks from other parts of the skill tree with a very low investment (for example if you want max rending on veteran you have to spend about 10 points+, this would reduce it to 3)

it was rough enough in payday 2 when you could start hitting max in under 3 hours with certain grinds

tl;dr very very bad idea with almost no upsides beyond giving people a time wasting grind and annihilating the balance


ive since changed it to just reduce your level only,
at Auric level 1 you would have 29 Talent points and 1 Universal Talent point already,
also gear and locations on the ship also remain unlocked as stated above.


well most of the boost would be gained at Auric level 1.
as the more universal points you have the less you would be actually using them.
and as to Vet and Rending their are only 3 abilities that have it from what i see.

Exploit weakness=
which is at the start, using a universal point here only saves you 1 point.

Rending Strikes=
which is 2 points from Kill Confirmed which i would consider to be one of the strongest Vet Abilities.
which most people i know us and take, so if your taking Kill Confirmed, you save only 2 points.

which is 4 points from the top, which at face value will save you 4 points ok,
however if your running a Vet Melee build or a dash build your likely taking Skirmisher.
at which point you already have to pass it to get it, so not saving you anything.


well isnt that the point? and this is an extra bonus, it could make some builds at Auric lv1.
but for the most part once you hit Auric lv5, you will just be chasing the sun.

if your rushing threw and just grinding to get to the end the fastest im not sure you’ll have fun.
but if take your time and enjoy your self, i can see this system giving you something to look toward.

those of us who have 4 lv30 characters right now and are just playing to have fun with friends.
these are the people who would enjoy this system, people who will play and level as they go.

those who would rush this all out and grind this system in a single afternoon.
and then complain that it was too much of a grind i think are missing the point.

if you have a Bolter with good perks blessings but 78% in all stats,
id rather just enjoy having a good weapon. rather than force my self to grind for an all80% one.