Auric mission selection changes for more heresy diversity

There is currently only 3 auric heresy missions, while there are 6 damnation missions… Why ?
Why not increase the number of auric heresy missions to 6 as well ?
I’d like a permanent auric heresy maelstrom as well, if you like to play spicy heresy you have sometimes a maelstrom, and only 3 missions at a given time, so basically 3 missions…
It’s annoying because I love auric heresy, but If I don’t like a mission and I’m unlucky there is no heresy maelstrom, I have 2 missions to choose from…
I realise I’m in the minority here, most players play damnation+ and auric seems to be specifically catered to their needs, but it’s frustrating to have such limiting choices when you like heresy more than damnation.

Auric missions are here for ppl who find your usual stuff boring. Idk why they even put herecy in there, almost nobody plays it.


So because you don’t play it, it’s useless and doesn’t deserve recognition ?
cool… we’re going to go really far with this mindset.
Imagine if you had only 3 auric damnation mission and not a permanent maelstrom, having to wait for it to rotate ? Wouldn’t that be annoying ?

The auric board is where all the high difficulty stuff is being put so you don’t have to look for it on the regular board. In part, it exists to de-clutter the board and allow for more missions.

If you’re looking for high intensity heresy, why not play damnation? There’s no reason to play the highest possible heresy difficulty when damnation exists.

It just doesn’t make sense.

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Cus we dont need easier content…heresy is a stepping stone not an end game gameplay loop. If it was up to me auric wouldnt have any heresy at all and it would have 2 or more rotating maelstrom maps instead of pointless heresy


Then play normal herecy and just go to normal damnation from here? That’s the intended progression. After you’ve done with the damnation, go to histg etc

You all can’t fathom I just like heresy more than damnation ? Like it’s not possible to have a different opinion and play the game differently ? You’re just stuck in your mindset that damnation is the “ultimate goal” and that heresy is a “stepping stone”, unable to understand that some people just like heresy and prefer it’s auric version rather than damnation ?

It’s not impossible to fathom, it’s impossible to agree to.

You’re likely the only one that wants additional high intensity heresy missions and even if you’re not the only one, the list of people that share your frustartion cannot be a long one.

Besids, the regular board still has a chance for offering a high intensity missions…

Oh and one more thing: you don’t have to convince other people that agree with you. For one; you won’t, not in an amount that matters. For another, you’ll have to convice FS to run a more expensive setup and change how many instances their server host / convince them to run more servers to “fix” something that only needs to be “fixed” in your eyes.

Obviously you’re free to ask for what you want but it won’t happen.

I’d just like to point out that I didn’t ask for a “fix”, nor that I’m not unable to play damnation/auric damnation, it’s really just a matter of personal preferences…

I thought I wasn’t the only one, but seeing all the backlash I’m getting with this idea make it obvious it won’t happen, nor does people want it to happen.

I’ll just close this topic then.

It’s not backlash, i couldn’t care less of fs add additional auric levels. It’s just… Why? Why would you play histg herecy specifically? If you want difficulty - go to damnation. If you want to chill - go to lower levels. I just don’t get it.

Only play T5 Mael nowadays. About an hour wait to rotate makes my game-life-balance better.

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