Audio and visual cues for elites/player downed status

Is it just me, or a lot of people are missing these? There’s a lot of tunnel vision going on, and the visual/audio cues aren’t highlighted enough like they are in VT2. Some specials (especially the one that throws a net on you) creep up to people way too often.

But that’s not even the worst part. In almost every match I play, there are people who miss the visual/audio cue whenever a player is caught in a net, under a hound or fell of the ledge or something. The absolute worst however was during boss fights like Plague Ogryn. You highlight it, it aggros on you, and the people who stood there just a second ago - rush off somewhere else where the common horde is located. Had this happen twice already.

I understand that it’s an individual thing, especially when it comes to tunnel vision, but the audio in this game is a hot mess of everything altogether. It’s not clean like in VT2, where even during horde attacks, when the music kicks in, the audio cues of specials are always distinct.

Basically there’s a lot of visual/audio clutter that seems to either confuse some people, or people choose to ignore it. And this is playing with people who are 15-25 lvl, so they’ve had enough experience playing the game to have some spatial awareness.

Part of the problem is that most of these specials are just considered ‘elites’. The Shotgunners/Trappers/Heavy Gunner/Flamers etc spawn in droves even with missions that are ‘less hordes, less specials’ which I think is part of the problem since those enemies are far and away much more powerful than the ‘rif raf’ like comparing storm vermin to warrior rats in vermintide, especially with their ranged damage output.