This time organized it in an excel spread sheet. Categorizing the three tree branches as Slow / Stagger, Support / Range, and Fast / Backstab. As these seem to be the most common themes of branches until the late keystone sections where things get messy.
Mostly a reorganization with some new choice nodes and less grenade focal stems at beginning.
Color coded red = offensive, green = defensive. * position changes
Besides re-ordering below are the tweaks from slight to major changes to existing and new talent nodes. Number adjustments and better recommendations desired.
Left Tree Talent Changes
Current: 30 Impact Strength (in 2nd tier, middle branch)
Reasoning: Each 2nd choice in branch has a toughness vs damage talent choice, fills roll for left tree and surplus of talents make for harder more variety in talent choices.
Current: Replenished 2.5% while near 3 enemies
Reasoning: Generally low toughness regeneration and more reason to support ally coherency.
Current: replaces left 2nd tier 5% movment node, new movement node further in tree.
Reasoning: Emphasizing stagger left branch with slower weapons boosted by staggering for further damage to increase staggering.
Current: replaces Duelist which moves to right tree 2nd tier
Reasoning: Duelist synergizes better with dodge focused / speed right branch of talents. Hitting weakspots will become harder when staggered and non-weakspot hits will do less damage in general so slight boost.
Current: +20% melee damage for 5s after depletion of stamina.
Reasoning: Allows for more usage, encouraging of push attack skill and less encouraging of sprint spam.
Current: Additional charge only
Reasoning: Zealot has tremendous CD reduction talents with little trade-offs typical of a 2nd charge, requires harder choices.
Current: Stacks up to 5 times for 25% impact strength and uninterruptible.
Reasoning: Impact strength… has low impact boosted, by time it takes to gather 5 stacks no longer need uninterruptible too low of a gain.
Current: Does not reduce damage taken.
Reasoning: Harder choice branch and improved use-ability. Brought up tree to provide actual choices to final tier.
Current: N/A New Talent
Reasoning: Fun filler choice to compete with ability CD reducer.
Current: +200% ability cooldown regeneration for 4s on melee critical hits.
Reasoning: Extremely easy uptime for crit heavy builds making CD’s too spam-able. Nerfing regeneration and period, making abilities more impactful.
Middle Tree Talent Changes
Current: +50% Coherency toughness regeneration
Reasoning: Coherency talents all are very weak should rather be combined (for every class) to compete with active toughness regenerators.
Current: -75% spread and -50% recoil on successful dodge.
Reasoning: More thematic of central range and supporting fire more rapid range deployment for more fluid rapid fighting with slower & recoil heavy weapons.
Reasoning: Just sticking with positional swap after feedback.
Current: When you or an ally in coherency takes damage, reduce damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Triggers once every 10 seconds.
Reasoning: Does not prevent triggering damage for little burst resistance to zealot group buffing. Increased cooldown and reduced duration to balance.
Current: N/A New Talent
Reasoning: encouraging a flame range zealot flavor that synergizes with fire skills and close range shooting. Very enemy reliant as damage boosts will drop off quickly if only trash is on fire but may be ignited by other sources flame grenade, flame thrower, laz gun crit blessings. Could drop monster ignition or only proc on damage boost on talent ignited enemies if too powerful.
Current: N/A New Combined Talents
Reasoning: combining heal based talents in old tier 1 to be more useful and give better health control to Martyrdom playstyle.
Current: Remove 1.5 corruption from your current wound healing 1.5 health per corruption removed every second for you and allies in coherency.
Reasoning: to gain slight surplus heal / toughness rate for unique circumstances for self and allies.
Current: 5 pulses, added invulnerability, 20% toughness per pulse to reach +100 Max toughness over +90.
Reasoning: Too good in duration and invulnerability, excessive perks to be added with further talents / tradeoffs.
Current: Builds up stagger distance with each pulse
Reasoning: more immediate distance staggering for better special resistance.
Current: N/A New ability choice branch
Reasoning: loss of stagger but guaranteed of allies / self being invulnerable during and for an additional second after, more vulnerable to special interruption.
Current: buffs only proc after final pulse.
Reasoning: More useful team buffs.
Current: no total toughness gain
Reasoning: Better survivability on low health / curio total toughness loss
Right Talent Tree Changes
Reasoning: Just sticking with positional swap after feedback, will still be as powerful but at extra talent tax.
Current: Loner, zealot always in coherency of at least 2
Reasoning: Loner is anti-team aura, aura. Zealot continues to benefit from coherency and allies auras on leaving while allies gain immediate toughness boost. Encouraging regrouping and supporting team when zealot hunts down ranged enemies peppering their toughness.
Current: enemies immediately de-aggro and attack allies while blocking zealot’s path
Reasoning: Provide a buffer pseudo stun period and re-aggro of enemies depending on un-stealth or ally attacking, while also adding Zealot mobility to lining up for a proper backstab.
Current: 25% increased cooldown and 50% damage/finesse bonuses
Reasoning: Powerful confusion period and better positioning will negate need for more damage and more in-line with 2nd charge cooldown cost plus negated by zealot CD reducing talents.
Current: Increased 50% stagger on weakspot hits.
Reasoning: competitive survival talent, for single target knockdown with CD.
Current: no stamina gain
Reasoning: More competitive mobility keystone and movement based synergy by adding stamina restore.
Too restrictive of talent themes? too powerful? Need more nerfs?