Been having some pretty bad lag since yesterday, everything just starts running in place and then it either snaps back or i disconnect.
Have also noticed some weirdness with enemies not staggering, had buncha ghost hits and being hit by things before the enemies attack animation goes off.
My internet is 500 up and 500 down, i dont have any connection issues with any of the other games i play. I have no idea what the heck is going on.
Yeah, actually, it’s been pretty bad. havok has had it the worst so i just stopped playing that but even in easy difficulties there’s a noticable tendancy to hit laggy spots.
I am in the Central US and the lag has never been this bad. Phantom hits vs player, key presses not registering or double input registration for single input, attacks vs enemies not registering, rubber banding, enemies walking through objects and players, atrocious loading times, server/client crashes, backend errors, etc. For the record, I have 1300+ hours in Darktide.
Yes, When I first got the game for PlayStation I didn’t have any lag or stuttering at all. Now I’m constantly getting lag (Where enemies run in place or just keep running past you then teleport back) a few times per match.
I’m on US East Servers and My ping is at 50ms, Also when testing my internet on my ps5 I get over 300mbps download and over 50mbps upload