Anybody got advice for "Gone Bowling"

60 is a lot for a single charge it can be done, yes, but it’s still a ton. anybody got advice ASIDE FROM “do high difficulty” BECAUSE THAT WON’T HELP!


Chasm Logistratum.
At the beginning of the map there’s a tunnel section. Wait for a horde and draw them in there. Shield push to get em nicely compressed then hit charge.


thank you, i’ll try this on damnation once i have what i need.

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I am pretty sure that playing on a difficulty that maximizes the number of enemies present, does help.

The aoe of your ability basically has this shape (elongated rectangle).
You need to hit many enemies with your ability, so you want as many enemies as possible in an area that matches this shape.

These are the relevant factors:

  • high difficulty with high intensity modifier → so that there are as many enemies as possible to begin with
  • teammates that do not kill a horde quickly → so that enemies live long enough for you to do what you need to do
  • enemy presence in an area that matches the shape of your ability → so that you get to actually hit a large proportion of the enemies that are present

Easiest with premades or teammates that are slow. Alternatively, you can kindly ask your random teammates to let you charge through an unharmed horde for the penance.

For the area that matches the aoe of your ability, any corridor works fine.


the reason i said aside from high difficulty is because it’s something that most if not all people can piece together with simple thinking.

Use the yellow Concentration stimm on Bullrushing hordes

it has to be in a single charge.

I straight up used the many more try mod, got into a high intensity damnation game by myself. Then I ran past all the enemies up into a long hallway until I turned at them and bull rushed all of them. I did this like 6 times probably until I got it. It’s basically impossible to get this in a public game, and it’s dumb to ask my teammates not to kill enemies for a penance, so this is how I did it.


If you wait at the start the horde doesn’t spawn right?

I got 59/60 on Excise Vault, after a drop down and heading towards the 2nd to last room. Theres a hallway and door frame that if you can hustle to most everything will be right there. After that I had 59/60 for a long time.

I actually got my achievement on Archivum Sycorax, right after the alarm section, by charging up those stairs by the medicae when everything was spawning in and coming down them. Most times Mr Director will say “noooo actually everything is gonna come from that one door behind you” and youre just unlucky.

As far as advice, try to think of hallways or stairs that enemies all have to funnel through, thinner and longer the better. Something small they all have to get through before they can spread out wide. That one short catwalk with barrels (the one above the medicae room) on Cooling Matrix comes to mind as another possible spot. Maybe the big stairs going down towards the medicase after the auspex event in Chasm Station but those are kinda wide. Hopefully you get it soon, super annoying cheevo for sure.

Getting a horde on the narrow ledges at the start of Gloriana might be a good place to do it. Things get real squished there sometimes.

I can’t remember where I got mine. I think it was on an hourglass map.

Just did it on Mercantile. Breach the wall and infinite horde spawns. Wait for bots to die and just block in a corner with Shield special until there’s loads of mobs. Then do it.

It’s also where I rack up smoke grenade penance, because doing that in pubs is just vile.


Enter any havoc above 35. At that level you always get 3 offset horde spawns. 1 in the front and 2 in the back, or vice versa. Most of the time the players naturally herd them all into a natural funnel for better positioning. That’s when you can do it.

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I don’t remember for sure where i got that, it’s either one of the assasinations maps, where there’s moment when as soon as door opens, theres, something like a corridor, but with place to fall to the left and only with some minor boxes, usually lot’s of gunners and horde further down this place, i remember getting some penance in this place, after charge. but also recently i got some penance after i got completely surrounded, like literally into a corner within small space, i used charge to get away and now that i write that, i think this was gone bowling.

Also if you want i can write how to start mission solo, so you can try to kite horde and all enemies on map.

You can get this easily at the end of hab dreyko or forge complex. Do hab dreyko normally until you get to the valkyrie at the very end, then just have your team hold block at the bottom of the stairs for a bit to let the enemies stack up and charge through them. The same trick also works at the end of forge complex because the exit to the elevator is a straight corridor. This requires minimal team cooperation. Higher difficulties + auric and/or maelstrom make this easier, you will get it eventually just by playing high havoc normally.

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i got it in the area after the train section after the start event in gloriana.

yeah - should add; I didn’t try to engineer this one. It just popped one day.

For me, it happened by chance on Smelter Complex. Just get to huge hordes before your team starts killing them and hit the charge, that’s the only advice I have.

Not sure if you got your penance yet, I didn’t read all the replies, but “Relay Station TRS-150 / Freight Port HL-32-2, “The Hourglass”” has a good spot right before the elevator near the end part with the winding staircase that is an excellent choke point. If a horde spawns there, simply shield up/push enemies, wait a bit until they pile up (and snipe specials like dogs/trappers so you don’t get disabled) and when you feel it might be enough, just charge. It’s how I got mine :slight_smile:

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I got it at the end of the cryonic rod mission. After you jump down to run to the Valkyrie a horde falls down a nearby ledge and chases you. Usually players shoot them for fun as they escape but you need to ask them politely to not shoot them. Just block at the end of the walkway and when enough have built up you can just charge and it’s done. The first couple of times I tried other players shot them anyway and spoiled the attempt but I got it later. It’s a bad penance, TBH

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