Any plan to make different game mode, FS?

No, if they were to add Versus Mode players on the heretic side would be playing as the specialists like the mutants, flamers, bombers, snipers, trappers, and dogs. Maybe pox bursters.

I know a lot of this would require balancing, but I think it’s easy with tweaks here and there. If they were to do this some of the tweaks I have been thinking are the following below:

  • Snipers can have their timing on their shots increased by a bit of delay before firing so that way they can’t just time their shots. Or just have it so they have to lock on to someone before shooting.

  • Mutants would need HP increase because currently they die too easily

  • Bombers would have to have a longer cool down before throwing bombs, so they can’t throw it so frequently

  • I believe flamers, pox bursters, and dogs are fine as they are now.

Please keep in mind all the heretic specialists players will have a proximity spawn just like L4D so they cannot spawn too close to the opposing players. This would be really fun and dynamic in every mission or game. Because right now a lot of players know where the NPC heretic specialists spawn and it’s really predictable. If they bring Versus Mode it would add so much more possibilities and unexpected situations.

I know a lot of people are worried about balances and what not, but please realize that League of Legends, Valorant, Starcraft 2, Dota 2, and every other competitive pvp game has balance issues. Those games have over 100 champions, items, and abilities to balance.

If anyone has played L4D now, you can say the game is very simple. As the infected players you die so fast. Players in L4D are so keen to noise so as soon as you spawn as the infected special you die almost instantaneously. There’s a lot of things that Dark Tide has over L4D such as:

  • Complex Tree System for players
  • Really good range and melee combat gameplay
  • Elites and uncommon enemies that causes players to work their builds around like Crushers, ragers, specialists, monstrosities, and shooters.
  • The list goes on and on…
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And those are designed as PvP games, not PvE

Making a Versus work here or in VT2 isn’t impossible, but it will need a lot of work/Dev time that most people would rather see elsewhere

That’s why I said in my 1st post. 2-3 years down the road when they released a lot of content and fixed the game more.

Even then, it would still be considered by most to be a waste of dev hours.

VT2 was mostly complete, sure it needed a few content drops that were expected, but in the most part it was complete when they announced Versus, and most people considered it to be a waste of time, and that they’d rather see the Dev do something else instead of versus

How do you know it’s waste of time when it’s not even released or been tested? It’s like your saying you know the future when you don’t.

I have at least 10 friends from either IRL or Steam friends that would play DT if it had Versus Mode. It brings a much wider audience to the game.

I can also ask you this. What if Valve announced Left 4 Dead 3? Dark Tide’s player count would probably shrink by a considerable amount. I can tell you now if there was a Left 4 Dead 3 I would be playing that over Dark Tide.

Depend, what would change between L4D2 and L4D3, and how it would be compared to how B4B was



It depends on what L4D3 is. I like Darktide much more than l4D2 simply for the rpg elements and the gameplay at least appears deeper in DT.

If it is just L4D2 with new paint, then I would definitely still play it…but I’d still play DT

Yes! That’s exactly what I am saying. Dark Tide has a much more deeper and complex system that’s better than L4D, but now imagine if there was a Versus Mode to introduce a wider variety where the enemies are not simple AI but players who play as the heretic to make every game more dynamic. There wouldn’t be any predictable spawn locations and it would increase the intensity with more coordinated enemies! Fantastic right??

With Versus it would make games much more interesting, because right now the only thing that is making the game harder is just throwing more stuff at the players, but even that can get easier over time.

Another thing I would be fine with is if they introduce Versus as a paid DLC. I would pay money for that. It also would separate things from the PVE players and PVP players.

PVE could also be still be fresh and have boss fights like the Twin Fights that’s been added.

  • A wave defense like VT2 had. But with some gimmicks like Turrets, mines, heavy weapon emplacements, maybe AI Guardsmen? And a Vehicle bossfight at the end?

  • Based on that: A Take and Hold. Assault a Heavily Fortified position. Hold for X amount of time. Assault next position. Gimmick would be the players are free to choose the order in which they want to take which point first.

  • Escort a Chimera. Gimmick would be to man a Twin Linked Bolter on top where you can find ammo crates along the route to refill it.

  • I like the end sequences where you must run for extract after the mission ends. Its hectik, engaging and challenging. VT2 had that more often than DT so i hope we will see more of those.

  • This could be combined with an assassination mission where you first drop into a mission with low intensity, enter a bossfight early and after the assassination you have to fight your way out.

  • Subterfuge mission, enter the Map with only melee weapons disguised as Moboian 6th. Reach a point deep in the enemy territory without attacking. Or kill everyone in a room before they sound the alarm. Sabotage the target and get your full kit to fight your way out. Or stay in Stealth and extract unnoticed. (this is highly experimental and i don’t know if this works but Pay Day has working Coop stealth so why not? It would fit the scenario very well and there are countless stealth/subterfuge/infiltratration mission examples in the lore of 40k)

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The recent boss fight is actually a good example of what a separate mission type could look like.

Short map with light resistance, punctuated by choreographed ambushes, and capped off with a challenging boss fight. It shakes up the formula and feels unique, whereas all the other mission types just kind of feel like slight reshuffles of the same template.

There are plenty of good ideas floating around – chaos wastes mode with RNG layouts, pitched battle mode with more than 4 players and waves of enemies assaulting a static position (think the total invasion mod from Mount & Blade), single player patrol missions for a chance to just chill and admire the scenery, etc. etc.

Yeah it was a solid idea that addresses issues with v2’s boss fights

Mainly being going though a full length mission to then die to the boss then then having to then have to go through the whole mission again if you’re there just to fight the boss.

With it being a shortened mission that has light resistance that gets you to what you’re there for the boss fight quickly with an unlock-able skip straight to boss fight option to make it even quicker.

I want to see more of these.

Wouldn’t mind an Ascension Riser style one. Would be easy to do as well in terms of man hours put in.

Use the room from Metalfab finale room (cryonic rod run) which has amazing geometry for interesting encounters currently wasted on the mission its on, remove the central elevator that was there before in the metalfab mission for open space, or some control consoles with slight elevation is fine, change the lighting, change the walls to be the ones from Ascension riser, add/remove some props, and it will look way different. Make that the elevator.

7 floors.

Each floor will be a massive gauntlet. After 2 floors you get a break room that can hold stims, ammo, medipacks, medicae stations etc.

Final floor has a double bossfight of any of the monstrosities with specials waves in them as well as the usual suspects of rager hordes, and crushers.

Last room will have around 700 plasteel (ever so slightly above the average of any Damnation+ run), and whatever diamantine ratio that I never pay attention to because its a worthless resource.


It would be a timed 21 minutes or so. A rough mission by design, but decent for plasteel in terms of guaranteed run time.

If the imperium came away from a conflict with only 40,000 casualties that seems like a massive win.

Versus clamourers are ignorant. If you played versus in L4D, you wouldn’t be asking for it in Vermintide and Darktide. L4D Versus is endless raging at team mates and constant vote kicks. Co-op should remain the focus always.

Please lord no.

Every other week this suggestion of some separate game mode crops up, totally disregarding the past we had with this.

There’s Weaves. Nobody liked Weaves. Weaves almost killed VT2.
There’s Arena. Most people liked Arena, but only played it twice and then forgot about it.
There’s Chaos Wastes. Chaos Wastes was great, but split the community.

New separate game modes really don’t fly well with Tide games and Fatshark.
If they want to spice things up, they’d be better off introducing more variety within the missions.

Chaos Wastes would imo work fine if they treated it like a weekly Derp Dive from DRG (take a drink because I mentioned DRG) or crime waves from Payday (drink for Payday) or even Duviri from warframe (do a double shot) because it would be a limited thing.

TBH at this stage I would be happy if they just remembered Repair and Investigation missions existed as an option to make.

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Yeah a once a week DRG style deep dive to get a red weapon or something would make sense to me.

And for those that say that would ruin the grind, there’s 87 weapons in darktide. It would take almost 2 years doing every weekly to get all the red weapons, and they would probably release more.


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