Hi there,
I find it massivly annoying, that the reload button is the same as the pick stuff up button. Especially since when using a controller you’ll need to bullseye that Diamantene container or it will not be picked up…
Problem is: In tough situations you’ll miss the item and instead reload your weapon… Leaving you defensless for a moment.
Easiest thing would be to include a “hold button to reload” option similar to the hold to crouch option.
Best option would of course be, to let us freely reasign buttons on the controller like keys on mouse and keyboard…
Yeah I know, there is a secondary “advanced” buttons layout where reloading is a different button than the “interact button”
But it also switches up other buttons and I don’t like to jump by pressin L1 nor do I like spotting being bind to holding “d-pad up” because guess what… I like myself to keep MOVING while spotting the sniper 200m away…
Whatever… Great game, too few content right now. Just my two cents