An idea to spice up gameplay

First of all; I love this game! It’s the game i have by far spent the most time in the last 10 years.
What i love about the game is the absolutely awesome gameplay mechanics and combat combined with the hardcore fantasy setting.

Anyway, I have an idea I’ve been thinking about that I think would spice up the game even further.
I don’t know if it’s doable or not, so shoot me down if it is not…

Today all enemies are exactly equal individuals within their class, for example: all stormvermins look and behave exactly the same.
How about Fatshark introduce some variance in for instance size, speed, hp, strength and maybe some more attributes.
The size for a stormvermin could vary between 1.6 and 2.0 meters where the most of them are around 1.8 meters but every now and again you would meet one that was 2 meters tall.
A taller enemy would the get a longer reach too so you would have to count that in when you meet them.
Speed would make them run, hit and block faster.
Strength would make them hit harder (maybe alter their bulkiness appearance somehow).
HP is obvious.
You get the idea!

Doing this would make you have to think and plan more and for me would increase game play satisfaction with 1000 percent.

Every now and then you would stumble upon an enemy that is very tall, hits very hard, are very fast and has a lot of HP, you would have to treat that enemy with special care and would even look at it as a kind of mini boss.

I understand that perhaps there are players out there that calculate break points and want every little decimal known about every encounter, those players might be upset about a change like this.
But I would be amazed if such game play would be introduced!

What’s your thoughts about this?

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I definitely think that more gameplay additions would be great for the game. After all, it’s the gameplay that is the primary appeal of the game. Adding stuff like this would definitely change how we play.
About the suggestion itself though, I’m not that sold on it. I think that there are other things that could be changed first before adding something like this, but definitely something to consider.

Honestly I don’t agree… in my opinion, this would just add confusion and randomness.

A fundamental aspect of the gameplay is the capacity to read the game: see how many enemies there are, their placement, etc etc… in order to plan a strategy in real time. How could I read the game if there was a Stormvermin, slightly taller, with more range? Just to do a simple example. It’s not intuitive.

Another problem, as you said, is about breakpoints… but it seems that you underestimated it: there are many careers that are based on breakpoints.

These differences of size, range, HP, etc etc are already fullfilled by enemies’ variety… from a little slave rat to a threatening Chaos Warrior.

To spice up the gameplay there already are: mods (C3O), deeds, Twitch… imho it’s enough.

Anyway, obviously, this is just my personal point of view.

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Despite game being random, enemies skipping animation, sidesliding, running in place and all that sh/t its a great idea, but have to be implemented after game is stable.