An apology

I was allowing my fiance to play my Psyker and watched him do some very questionable things including and not limited to.

1)Jumping off cliffs to “see what happens”.
2)Screaming like a little girl at the top of his lungs when attacked and not knowing what to do except spam basic staff attacks and press F.
3)BBing little zombies while the team was dying.
4)Immediately turning off the game because he was “too scared” and the game is “too much crazy”

While excessively funny to watch(damn me for not recording these things), If you saw me in game and…I am sorry. It wasn’t me and he confirmed that there is no way he could ever play a game like VT or Darktide. I am now in control and will suck less now. I question my choice of mate. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: