After I gave up on "Going out with a bang" penance... i did it

After trying to get penance “GowB” for a week… i gave up on it and moved on, trying to get “Flawless Execution” and got on a 8 game win streak. And then happened perfect oportunity. It was “hub Dreyko” investigation mission, near the spawn, where u drop off the bridge. 2 out of my teammates were downed and surrounded by 6 shotgunners. At that moment i was up on bridge with a 80% peril and diceded “why not?” And i got it!

Now i have to do “Flawless Execution” all over again… but at least i got it… right?
Someone? Anyone? Guys?

Good for you but it shouldn’t be this RNG

And then we have the fourth strike team member:

“First two of those idiots go down and then the psyker decides it’s a good time to overcharge. I give up on this game…”

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The whole team went mad! Last picture was to emphasize on that. But to be fair - we completed the mission and took all 3 scriptures!

I cet it, it’s just such a perfect example of how detrimental to the game vision some of these penances are.

I mean, if this opportunity presented itself during the final event, three teammayes were down instead of two, most people would’ve likely gone for the penance just the same.

Congrats, its a super annoying penance.

I got it running the start of silo cluster in a private game with a friend. The most annoying part honestly was killing the bots before they killed viable targets, which results in another 2 minute worth loading screen going to the Mourningstar just to queue back in.
We chose High-Intensity Heresy runs, hard enough to kill the bots easier but not so hard we ended up dying due to being down half the team.

Repeat after me:
