I think this was a feature in the beta, where you could only join Veteran/champ/legend games if you met a minimum power requirement. Could this be added? It should filter out the low level players joining higher difficulties when they aren’t ready(low power gear + low level usually implies low skill too)
Its still in the game, although it has always been a bit “broken” in that all you had to do was to reach the limit once.
For example: Get a lvl 30 char with maxed gear (i.e. hero power 600), then start a new hero at lvl 1 with 5 power gear and you can still join Legend games!
(Unless they have changed this recently, I have no character with low enough hero power to try it out anymore)
No it doesn’t. If they joined you in a champion/legendary game, that means they’ve reached the required power lvl with one of the characters, hence they have the skill the developers think required to play on such a difficulty. It’s true that they might be stuck with bad gear, but honestly it doesn’t make that much of a difference on champion, and on legendary I doubt you’d run into someone with low power lvl anyway.
Even if you get a level 30 hero with a red charm, trinket, necklace, and 300 power weapons, they are still missing HALF of their power.
I thought this was in the game already.
In practice, if you have completed legend with some character who has 300 power gear, you can switch character and craft a whole new set of gear, with 300 power. Admittedly you have no traits that can make a big difference, BUT considering there are so many duplicate red trinkets, having a character at level 1, with all red trinkets is possible to complete at legend.
yep, just cleared a few legend games tonight with people below lvl 20. I wouldn’t say my wife and I carried them, but they definitely under preformed. None the less, it wasn’t that much harder. You can get fully geared lvl 30 people with reds that still play like crap.
Anyone who’s vocally worried about someone being sub-30 in Legend tells me more about their own skill/experience and lack thereof than that of the person levelling. The devs already set perfectly reasonable power requirements.
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