i just think that having capes is awesome and the psyker shouldn’t be the only one that gets capes nor should it be on just one cosmetic. i do understand that the physics would be a bit tough to program but its been done before with the psyker cape and with other cosmetics.
i also think that cowboy cosmetics would be awesome as hell along with they would be very profitable if they look good enough.
now onto one of my favorite parts of feedback/suggestions.
personally, i think that having the choice between the wall style, the none style, and the low style would be pretty nice, i don’t mind not having a collar on the anchor but being able to customize that without mods would make customizing the psyker feel much more personal and versitile.
About Psyker’s chollars I guess more freedom for style is allways good.
But Space-Cowboy (Marshall Lonestar, Saberrider) doesn’t fit my WH40K estethics taste.
Same for capes. But I could imagine exceptions like if it’s styled for a blue-bloodish outfit ore an rogue trader who both tend to wear excentric styles in WH40K. But the avarage soldier …
Besides capes are somewhat disfunctional on a (hive city) battlefield. (But I must confess this is true for robes, too @AdMech )
But that’s just my opinion.
Let people out that stuff on, if they like, I wont.
aside from looking silly, its a deathtrap hanging from your neck.
the number of airducts and ventilation blades alone would suck that thing in an strangle you in seconds.
not to speak of being grabbed by the 100 poxwalkers behind you while getting chocked simultaneously.
one of the reasons i cant get into helldivers aesthetics, it just looks so wrong and cartoony.