Achievement for killing 1 million enemies

Kinda sad i had just earned this penance back around christmas. Oh well.

“Screwed” is subjective. If your entire in-game identity and reason for playing is based on a portrait, then sure. Maybe. But people with the portrait are still playing the game, which tells me the portrait was secondary to their enjoyment from playing the game.

You did not even answer my question.
That is not even argument, but simply a strawman fallacy you are stipulating here.
There is no point in trying to have a discussion with somebody that feels obligated to sink to eristical or sophistical polemic.

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This penance was the thing I desired the most from the game. I was merrily on my way to 600k, and now I’ve got it. I’m actually quite happy.

Now there is nothing else I want from the game.

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