Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol - The Unnecessary Nerf To Make Mk X Look Less Terrible

All of that is well and good but I have realized all of this discussion is very off-topic. This is about the heavy laspistols

Have you seen aggressive Ogryn players in pubs or do you just play premade? You have to actively run away from your team if you don’t want Ogryn to just delete everything you are fighting.

BTW I don’t think this discussion is going anywhere. You didn’t even engage with my argument just threw up stupidly disingenuous stuff.

This. Enemies getting thrown around is usually bad enough, and 15m range without crit is plenty while the weapon is still viable at mid to long-range with surgical.

Again the problem can be felt to an extreme with 2 in the team when they can just delete everything in view. Thankfully it doesn’t happen that much.

All this on Ogryn which is by far the safest to play and most resilient class by a mile.

Eh… You are right. Bunch of us completely derailed the topic.

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Yup myself certainly included.

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Kickback is not good single target. It is horde clear, with decent single target stagger and only good single target damage at close range. The Plasma Gun is in a different league.

Which makes you saying this funny because of comparing it to Plasma.

you have a problem with it killing clumped up , generic shooters?


Again, no point in derailing thread even more, and you don’t seems to be worth engaging with.

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I understand that it is a team based PvE game, with that being said it generally is not played that way in soloQ. I absolutely do try and play as a team but that doesn’t mean others will, and more often than not they don’t.

I did not say exe stance is bad. I said Sharpshooting is a failed design philosophy in a horde shooter. If I play exestance I’m not sharpshooting, I’m more effective bringing an Agripina Braced Autogun and unloading fairly accurately from the hip on counterfire and elite targets while also penetrating multiple targets. This backs up your point of “Precision or low RoF weapons”.(Also Dakka is just fun)

I understand exe stance is completely viable utilizing the Helbore, infantry lasguns, and HH. However the sweat:reward ratio on said build is abysmal IMHO.

Grenade regen, drill order, iron will, CK all staples in any build. I love me shovels.
I genuinely believe camo expert was a fairly well thought out talent in the grand scheme of things and heavily supported the “Sharpshooter” role perfectly. I did not feel Sharpshooter was a failed design philosophy prior to the removal of camo expert.

I thought it was kinda weird that they just reduced the fire rate without increasing the damage in anyway.

I suppose they did not want the two las pistols to feel to much like each other, but i was kind of expecting some kind of buff to the other aspects of the gun when they reduced the fire rate, its not like it was a weapon that was over performing to begin with.


And it’s why it’s where you’ll experience wipes with the most frequency. The framework and incentive structures are still there. Mechanical skill, build optimization, and luck can only take you so far.

Exe’s is the associated ult. By implying that sharpshooting as a class sub archetype is a bad/failed design philosophy you imply that all it’s associated core talents are as well. If you’re being hyperbolic and simply don’t like the playstryle, that’s fine, just don’t double down on trying to put that whole side of the tree down, it’s just not a productive thing to argue.

I do agree that there are issues with the archetype as it really fails to entice people to even give it a shot. Nevermind that there’s also plenty of unrelated issues that really get in the way of precision shooting in the game. It is worth noting though that even if you run automatics, even braced weapons to an extent, the fundamental way you interact with its core components doesn’t really change, and this one still reasonably accommodates both defensive and “unga-bunga, charge!” playstyles. Ever tried to play aggressively with a K1a or HH with Ghost? Plays just as well as IAGs or braced with their equivalents, and sometimes even outperforms them in certain builds and circumstances. You don’t need to sit in a corner trying to snipe stuff praying to god that the director won’t decide to drop 2 ragers in one of your blindspots every time you ADS.

See the the above, you don’t need to stand still to be effective as a designated marksman for a team, this is one of those misconceptions that really keep people from making the most out of these builds, and then baits them into infiltrate sniper ones even if running non-precision weapons. They then get jarred at how sweaty they need to get to make it work and then take to the forums to say that the whole sub archetype needs to be taken back to the drawing board.

Also, I was referring to the abysmal modifier node for MF, Camouflage, the one that forces you to crouch walk to keep stacks up. Infiltrate snipers, which are a precision weapon + Low Profile + Ult DMG modifiers, are the current Camo Expert equivalent. They are perfectly viable, even better than Camo Expert I’d argue, but waaay sweatier than any reasonable Exe’s + MF builds even if you opt to run braced or IAGs on it instead of a precision weapon.

Playing naturally with MF does just fine, especially if you’re running it with Exe’s. The real problem with the keystone is that it has little to no synergy with the other trees unless you’re building around certain weapons such as the one’s being discussed in this thread. Also, the only precision weapon that doesn’t work with marksman set ups are Helbores which shine in infiltrate sniper builds instead but have an inane skillfloor while still being unable to match the dmg potential of of stuff like revolvers and plasma in the same builds.

TL/DR, the Sharpshooter is fine as DPS DMG sub-archetype for vet, the bigger problems with it are that it has a skill floor and incentive problem. Despite that they are still viable, and even competitive against other DPS builds. Some tweaks in the tree and other areas outside of it will probably remedy the problem, it doesn’t warrant dumping the whole thing.

Last I’ll say since this is waaay offtopic, feel free to PM if you want to continue the convo.

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