A word to the wise

I don’t know whether a female can actually become Phoenix Guard, never came across any mentions of one. Swordmaster for sure, White Lion… maybe? Loremaster though… for sure.


I’d dig that.

Anything but a hobo Asrai walking-stick

I only read your replies properly now, not gonna lie it’s stimulating and you clearly know some lore problem is she’s already been let out of her cage as sister of the scourge reborn the killer of worlds, it would end in the same result though cry baby “community” would be crying for nerf’s the moment she stood out from the other careers for something specific

At least it has never been outright stated to be guys only

I know there are female priestesses of Asuryan, they could go with that I guess.

That’s great and all, but even assuming you are truthful, are you really saying Fatshark should balance the game on a non-official modded difficulty that less than 1% of the playerbase plays?
Are you aware that you are in a super minority here right? (And by that I mean you are probably alone lol).

If that’s such a bother to you why not just mod her back after she’s balanced?


Why are you replying to the thread that is clearly meant to be removed by the mods?

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Aren’t Priest of Asuryan really rare/needed by their people ? Like for Bardin if he became a Runelord

Okay You’re all right I’m wrong nerf the crap out of her I don’t actually care anymore have fun trying to build a community when all the long time players go somewhere else, it’s been happening for the last three months

I would not say rare, just not numerous, though that could be said about Phoenix Guard as well. My point though was mainy aimed at the fact that there is a female presence in the Shrine of Asuryan.

I think that if anything, people would/do leave because of the lack of updates/FS communication, not balance.


Yeah, people go play something else for awhile and return when they feel like it or there’s another content patch. That’s quite normal and happens in every single game.


Same. My friend who I did duos with quit because it ruined QP, and another friend came back to the same, saw how it could delete half of the map and quit again.

I’ve also been playing SoTT to make up for bots in QP, and when people eventually join, they usually comment on the damage differences and then leave. I’ve had people just say “SoTT…” and then leave too.

Shade is broken, but at least you have to be in melee, and can’t spam CC Bosses while deleting them.

GK is strong, but at least you have to be in melee to do his damage.

BW is just broken.

Zealot ranged Power is needlesly strong, but he can run out of ammo.

RV with the Pistol can’t deal with high density in melee that well.

I love playing her support build, but it’s just not viable for Cata QP, because of bots dying for no reason and randomness in terms of players joining skill/timing/Career choice/leaving or DCing


Lets be real here.

Out of the last 1000 people to have quit the game, how many do you think ever played consistently in cataclysm, let alone above?

If i am not mistaken then the cata population is like 10-20% in total, possibly even smaller going by how few people have the achivement for completing skittergate on cata… the modded diff population? Its like 10-20% of the cata population at most.

Thus for those 10-20 people who played modded and have quit do you seriously think its a matter of Fatshark thinking about nerfing the overgrown weed? Or is it because content and balance patches have been borderline nonexistent?

One patch every 6 months or so aint much to keep people interested.


Well its been a while since I’ve seen one of these topics.

You could as well make an argument that its sott/powercrept weapons that are driving away the veterans.
Without any hard numbers, arguments like this lead to absolutely nowhere.

If you actually think there is valid reason to not nerf SoTT then sure share it, but I doubt many will be agreeing.
I personally don’t think we have much of an difficulty scaling left if sott is the new standard for “balanced” careers.


Alright, this thread has gone far enough. Locking this now.

Snorri, take a break to cool off. Your posts have been rude and hostile to others, and that’s a no-no here.

I’ll end this thread with this clip: FatsharkGames - We're buffing her