I think we’re all in perpetual agreement that Darktide is a dumpster fire of ghost content and unoptimized graphics that make our pcs go boom. Aside from that, there is potential to save the game. Overtime as we are exposed to the Nurgle cult, the devs should consider the idea of adding the other 3 main chaos factions as free expansions that add variety towards the missions we undertake instead of just a stagnant sector on Atoma Prime. Think about it this way:
*We have 5 different sectors to choose from, with a similar layout of mission selection as we have now.
Each sector has their own unique enemy faction that, while having the same class-type of enemies for easier identification gameplay-wise (ie Khorne, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh worshippers having distinct looks but similarly looking aesthetics to what gunmen and specials would be).
Remember when I mentioned 5? Imagine an entirely new sector where it just so happens that one or two (or worst case potentially all Emperor protect us) the Chaos factions team up to take this one sector of Atoma that is the largest, allowing us to take on two or more factions at once in a single mission.
This game can be so much more, if the devs were given more resources and a lot of moral support and motivation from the idea that overtime, each expansion (doesn’t have to be all the factions at once, we can have one of those roadmaps that slowly introduce the Chaos God factions one at a time) includes the next Chaos faction, while receiving feedback from the community both design and gameplay-wise as the game develops over time. Granted, I’m not entirely educated on what is going on behind the scenes with FatShark and their employees in terms of creative direction and prioritization on the game, but I’d like to know everyone else’s thoughts on the idea of a developmental roadmap that each huge update adds the next Chaos God to Atoma as plot point to something BIG happening. A story that goes beyond just prisoners proving their worth in the Emperor’s name. Give us a compelling story that makes it bigger than our characters like what is happening in Vermintide 2. Maybe some small updates here and there surrounding our classes for all we care, like “oh no a huge rebellion in the Militarium has sprung up, Veterans, you do more damage or something.” or “oh no the zealots are steering on the brink of heresy that go against the scriptured teachings of the Emperor, cleanse their minds of this heresy, and put them out of their misery.” There’s so much potential, and the questions are if this is doable.
(Maybe while they’re at it, please for the love of god, optimize the game)