A Review by Reginald

Also @HenchAnt, may I ask who those minmaxing tryhards are? How do you define them and what are the signs that FS had no intention of having them around?

People who want to play the game on the highest difficulty, who want to optimize maxed out gear and test their mettle in a somewhat competetive way. :man_shrugging: @Mezmorki gave a description in this thread that I found helpful:

And Darktide, compared to VT2, was made less competetive and less grindy for players who don’t want to play at highest difficulties:

  • No more scoreboard.
  • Getting some gear (red items) is no longer locked behind playing on higher difficulties or farming books. The game no longer incentivices players to a specific playstyle via rewards.
  • Getting good gear for medium difficulties is a lot easier now, and the player has way more control over that than in VT2 thanks to shops, shrinking reroll costs and blessing collection.
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