A fix to the moderate usefulness of the shield + weapon combo

I totally agree here. I already wrote my opinion about ssv’s in this post:

What i am basically suggesting is to reduce their overall block angle a tiny little bit and to drastically reduce their block angle during their attacks. I demonstrate in a video how that would work.

Now let’s say i am really lucky again and in a future patch ssv’s get actually changed in the way that i am proposing. Shields in that case would have the hardest time to get use out of this change because of their low dodge distance. So i would still suggest to give shields the ability to oben ssv’s quickly.
And if ssv’s stay like they are then having one weapon with a unique mechanic against ssv’s is still bether than having none :smiley:
I have to admit its not a extremly skill requiring mechanic but at least it allows for teamplay…

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