A few issues with the game

Oh hell yeah, a thread where I can suggest anything I like!

Ok, here goes:

  1. Ditch the lootbox-based gear system. Lootboxes for costmetics is fine, but having them act as the sole root of the game’s entire gear economy causes problems. Ever have a host drop a game because someone forgot a tome? That’s because losing a tome cost them an emp’s, which cost them their chance at getting a red. Now you know.

  2. Overhaul the crafting system. “Click here to randomize your stats until you get the combo you want.” is needlessly tedious.

  3. Streamline the process for opening lootboxes. 5 clicks spread across 10 seconds and the whole screen for each one is way too much.

  4. Relocate some of the books. Book locations dictate the path that a team takes through a map. There are areas of some maps that are completely ignored because there are no books there. The Pit is a prime example of this. It’s a huge map with lots of interesting places and paths to explore, but there’s only one path that anyone ever takes. If I was the map designer, I’d find this pretty disappointing.

  5. Shade needs her stealth backstab boss damage smacked hard with the nerf bat. Bosses are a joke when there’s a shade around.

  6. Footknight Kruber’s hats need bigger/more feathers. This is important.

  7. Add a hardcore mode. I want to really feel it when I lose a hero.

  8. Maps should have fewer ledges and chokes, or the way enemies traverse them should be reworked. Having the team stand still and spam m1 for 30 seconds breaks the flow of the run. It’s also boring as hell.

  9. Rework the Rasknitt and Halescourge fights. Chasing them around their arenas for 5 minutes while they actively run away from you isn’t challenging, it’s frustrating.

  10. Add a new random event type: A special/elite/miniboss enemy that’s visually distinctive and is more powerful/tough than the normal variant. Possibly has unique, altered or randomised abilities (For example, a blightstormer that casts multiple small tornados at the same time). It may be alone or be accompanied by a posse of regular enemes. It might patrol until engaged, immediately move to attack the players upon spawning or try to run when aggro’d. It might drop useful items on death like a lootrat. It might act as a guard for tomes/grims or it might drop these books on death as a way of adding some variety to the way the books are obtained.

Thanks for the thread Krator, I’m sure I’ll be back with more.