A case to not Delay, and other thingss

It doesn’t matter if there’s still an international community to play with if I’m getting 150ms latency when I try to play with them, which is what will happen if my local servers are shut down.

Did you have latency problems in the beta? If not, did you play with randoms or only with friends?

I played the beta with randoms mostly, and the lag was inconsistent. Sometimes specials were undodgeable while other times I was whacking flying hounds out of the sky with melee.

Yeah, i had that as well, but it was also a beta and i was constantly disconnected every 5 minutes in the HUB.

Still, i wouldnt worry about Fatshark suddenly shutting down servers because of less players, especially not early on. They know the playerbase of their other two Tide games and most likely expect the same for Darktide. I mean, Hedge made an official statement on Vermintide 2 saying that they dont even want players to spend thousands of hours into their game, but merely a few hundred at most, then stop and only come back when new content releases.

I was mostly putting the inconsistency down to a mix of it being a beta and there probably not being enough local server capacity, which again was (hopefully) because it was a beta.

The bottom line is that high ping sucks, so if it happens constantly when the live game is released it’ll be an issue for the game’s lifespan where I am.

Speaking about what can be added in the future is futile. We all hope that the game will be well developed over coming years but at this point thats not the case.

Potential for adding more classes in the future is no excuse for making those currently available shallow. Best way to explain this will be example:

There is no reason to assume that one tank is enough. We can have Ogryn with its charge attack, give him second active skill (for exaple some kind of Stomp, that would stun nearby enemies) and even third active skill (some kind of Shout maybe, that would give him some extra armor or something like that). And that’s our first character - basic indeed. But that doesnt mean thats wrong or that this is enough.

We can add another tank later with such skills as: Taunt (it would be cool to taunt those dogs :)), Unmovable object (high boost to defence and makes tank unmovable, can’t be cought in the nets or brought down by dogs hovever lowering tanks dmg, atck speed, movement speed or something similar) and Wide swing (pushes foes away, wider and further than regular block push, with wide weapon swing, dealing dmg and giving buff to tank attacks for a few seconds).

Skills that I proposed were litteraly wore on spot so I can imagine someone who would put a little effort into this could come up with something so much better! Each of proposed skills could have its own skill tree to modify its effects.

In conclusion:
There can be different types of tanks: regular ones, offtanks, support-tanks… . Each with unique gameplay. There is no need to assume that if we make Ogryn a tank, we will be unable to come up with another one. Or that if we give Ogryn more active skills to choose from we would run of skill ideas for upcoming characters.

Same applies to other classes. If we have one ranged focused character we can have another with different skills - this would enable everyone to find gemestyle they like.

The only downsides to delaying the game are delayed Cash collecting and players may be upset because they are essentially the girl from the Chocolate factory. You all know which one.

Well, investors being upset and dropping share prices are also something that will play a role in that decision.

Would this not be ideal to buy back the shares from Tencent? Cut loose the invisible strong arm of an oppressive regime?

While thats a view many people who have concerns with tencent like to see, I dont know if Fatshark has the Financial power to do that. I agree tencent, as a major shareholder, has a lot of power over decision making. Personally looking at the past couple years the gaming industry is going when it comes to catering to share holders always came out at a very rocky launch. In the end share holding companies, that have a lot of creative output, is always a double edge sword.

We could discuss day in and day out about what the relationship is with shareholders and investors. At the end of the day, we dont know. None of us know what it is, or what expectations there are. So discussing it as a reason for delaying or not getting the game is a circular arguement based on wild assumptions and no hard facts.

Everything from my original post, to discusing the classess, all comes down to me and MANY people believing the game should not be delayed.

Plenty of other people have pointed out elsewhere issues with the game, and thats fine. If something is broken, point it out. But the beta is not the entirety of the game and from what i saw, it does not need to be delayed.

Sure, i would prefer more classes. But i dont want thr game delayed another 6 months or year. I would rather play it on nov release and have classes added as the game gets more fully polished.


Agree with most of these sentiments to be honest.

The biggest facepalm I’m seeing around criticisms is an initial lack of communication from FS leading to people having their own ideas about what the game should be, and now we’re all surprised that they’re criticising the outcome. (its a lesson that probably should have been learned from No Mans Sky).

The constant disconnects though… you’ve got to admit that their servers are the common recurring theme there, so I would be more inclined to start there in terms of problem solving.

The weapons will be just amazing! I can’t remember where I read it in an old interview, but I think human-sized bolters are in. Sooo looking forward to these.


This! THIS! To often people get told the idea, and they fill in the blanks with their own beliefs. I was guilty of it during Destiny 1.

Yes, i did experience disconnects. While i dont just ignore them, i also realize that that is a very common probably in every beta. We can only hope they have it corrected at launch.

We can agree that perhaps a video or article with more depth of whats to be expected would be appreciated.

If i dont see a Hot-Shot Lasgun though i will be visibly upset. Lol

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The game doesnt need tanks in the first place nor does it need supports or even classes.

The goal of a run is to finish it and that means an effective run is finished as fast as possible by killing threats that slow you down as fast as possible. Same as in Vermintide, everyone is eventually a damage dealer contributing to the common goal.

Classes are merely a means of variation, but the goal is still the same and the basics you need to reach that goal are still the same. It overall doesnt matter if your class has a taunt or a panic button, the only thing that matters is being faster and if you can reach breakpoints to one shot threats.

It would rather be better for us, as consumers, that they delay the game and polish and develop it the way it should be and i don’t think it is in the interest of the developers, artists and dedicated people behind it to bring us a half backed product just for the sake of it(Money).
So get yourself a heart and give these people support to make the game they want to make not they NEED to make. Right now you do not argue for yourself as a consumer or the people who really care but the stakeholders and manager who want to make as much money as fast and profitable as possible.Think about Cyberpunk, think about No Mans Sky, think about BF2042, think about any major release the past 4 years and then rethink your argument for a release in 6 weeks.

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First part of that implies that i dont support the developers because I think the game can be released end of nov?

You will have to clarify that part. But i think if anything the game at full release will launch just fine, and plenty of people will play it, and keep playing it.

Yeah, Cyberpunk had allot of bugs, guess what. People still played it in droves. Same with most games in the last 6 years, rough launches as suddenly thousands of players fluid it and new bugs and problems arise. Then its player count drops to the players that stabilize the game, and pay for new stuff. Thousands of factors of why someone doesnt play a game, and its not always because it had bugs or “lack of content.”

This is obvious. Game does not need classes just as any other game. Classes just contribute (better or worse) to the expirience of the game.
So if you introduce classes you can at least make them interesting.

Classes can also be diverse Thematically. And a game like Darktide, where most of the game involves shooting or hacking your way through hordes of enemies. Class differences have to rely more heavily on the aesthetic rather than the mechanical. We will get greater variation of classes, those classes will also be thematically different.

Darktide and VT, heck warhamner in its entierty, has always put aesthetics before function.

Interesting how though?

The game is highly limited on what we are actually doing. We are basically just using two weapons, an ultimate and a tactical ability. There isnt really much to go with to make an interesting class out of it, which is also the reason why every character in Vermintide 2 has pretty similar careers.

This was an annoying read, not gonna lie. Here we go anyway.

Sure. If you want to agree to premise that all of it is an extension of a tide franchise. We can.

That is not up for debate or a matter of opinion. Darktide is an extension of the franchise, period.

While yes, they changed the talents a little to account for the differences,(toughness, no temp health, corruption) We can agree that in broad strokes the two games talent teees are as close to identical as they can get.

Why is that bad though? Vt2 skill trees work very well for the game. So if darktide uses the same thing why is that a bad thing to use something that clearly works?

Because you argued that the “new” class system is not inferior to the old VT2 system, just because it has less classes. → Less abilities, less passives, less talents.

Now you turn around and ask why it should be bad that DT copies the talents from VT2.

So what you say is… The talents in VT2 are good and it’s good that they removed them?

You are currently vaguely shifting the goalposts around two contradictory positions while trying to take the intellectual high ground.

A class in Darktide is identical to a hero without careers in Vermintide 2. Darktide does not provide a deeper level of customisation of gameplay, only much, much less choices.
A class in Darktide has one ability, two weapons, one grenade and talents. It is identical to VT2. None of the new equipment, weapons, abilities, talents or mechanics are complex enough to handwave the eleven more starting classes VT2 had over DT away.

In short: Same stuff, but now there’s less of it.

Oh and another thing. In a previous post you stated this:

What a ridiculous notion, indicative of someone who has never played above veteran difficulty. try meleeing through a horde, 2 ratling gunners, plague vermin, wind sorcerers and chaos knights on cataclysm, hell even Legend would stop you in your tracks. Sniping specials and bosses with ranged weapons is quite essential, crucial even on harder difficulties. Of course you can turn down the game to baby mode and play however you want, but then I can also say “You can play through the entirety of VT2 without upgrading anything and only shieldbashing.”
It’s not an argument and by the way also extremely ill informed to call Warhammer Fantasy a “melee setting”.

Here’s another of your quotes:

This is no longer the case after Difficulty III. Enemies become beefier and more numerous. Wasting your shots like that will leave you empty really quickly. Apart from that it is not satisfying to waste ammo & time to shoot at ghosts.