2 digit maelstrom mods shouldn't exist (too easy)

Too often do we get normal auric damnation missions in maelstrom that’s meant to be difficult. Please at least give us 3 digit mods like this at the very minimum.

We have to wait 62 min for a maelstrom mission and many of the time, the next 2 are on the same map or similar mods. It’s not fun seeing just regular auric missions in maelstrom after waiting again. It’s just not fun


I II still is more fun than any dogs/mutants/bursters etc.

they could go through the whole roman numbers until obelix goes after them, its the kind of modifier not the amount.

A I II for example aint “more” except dark.

So I II / I II V E G and C I VI are currently the only ones i pick besides HISTG for their modifiers, with the benefit of HISTG having a shorter timer and more maps at once.

I II V E G is great, 3x the same map I II V E G cause you got 3 good teams breezing through in an hour (third time only needs to start at the 50 minute mark, as long as you dont wipe you wrap up 3 matches in 60 minutes map pool timer)


Yeah I agree they’re total filler and pointless. They ARE harder baseline due to how the auric maelstrom base modifier works but it’s still just hunting grounds + specials. When I play maelstrom I want unique modifiers and chaos, not this.


I agree. These should be standard Auric parameters, not maelstrom.

They could replace it with a tougher version of Hunting Grounds. Maybe add a new “Houndmaster” trapper reskin and have a pack of dogs spawn whenever a trapper spawns, maybe the trapper can buff nearby dogs or vice-versa, or have trapped players get dragged away by dogs if not rescued fast enough. That way it would synergize with increased specialists spawns and be its own thing too. Maybe Houndmasters can leave behind beartraps, which immobilize but not incapacitate (That’d be a scary thing, no?)

Alternatively, snipers could become “Huntsmen” and gain the ability to tag you, so you take more damage until the sniper dies or all the dogs focus you or something. Or maybe they can tag another specialist/elite and give them a little buff. If that’s too tough, huntsmen could become auto-tagged themselves when they tag someone else.

I could go on ( have loads of ideas like that, some better most worse). I just really want to see more variant enemies like the lil’ dogs. Who knows, maybe we’ll get similar stuff in Havoc mode.


As someone who thinks most maelstrom modifiers are utter trash that make the game less enjoyable, I rather like the missions that keep it simple. Really most maelstrom modifiers just spam the same enemy at you over and over. You could argue that this passes for added difficulty, but it’s also just boring and lazy.

If more maelstrom modifiers were actually good and created more variety instead of subtracting from it, you could talk me into nixing the ones with only two modifiers. But really I think we’re just talking about the lack of mission selection here, which if implemented would just solve the problem period.

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cool ideas, I also want more enemy variety even if it’s variants. Moebian 21st hordes were popular for a reason!


Cheers! Looking forward to seeing the 21st return in Havoc, if that’s still in the cards.


Ooh I like the “houndmaster” idea.
I still want Sharrik style generals at the head of all patrols in V2 though.

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You make a good point. I’d rather the poxburster and mutie maelstroms be altered to have fewer, stronger variants than just enemy spam. It’s kinda fun for muties but I don’t know many folks who’d vouch for the conga-lines of bursters. Hell, they could double the movespeed/stun recovery of bursters and not touch the spawnrate at all and I think that could be sufficient. (Give 'em a special intro cue, so we know to be afraid) Having them leave burgle-puddles/trails as they run could also make things a bit interesting, and provide incentive to deal with them at range if able. They could also spawn smaller Pox Gas clouds, but that might be excessive at this point.

For muties, I think having the weaker variants (Because they are actually variants, if a bit less visually distinct) die when they charge into a wall would be funny. I think occasionally spawning a stronger “Ogryn Mutie” instead of a swarm could also mix it up. They could be tougher, unyielding typed and have access to melee attacks after their charge is over (Becoming a bulwark sans the wark). Maybe they pinball from ally to ally just ramming into them until they hit a wall or tire out.

I am actually very interested to see how maelstroms fit into the darktide puzzle after the release of Havok mode. I worry they’ll be rendered obsolete.


Actually, for the bursters, how about we get “Rainbow Bursters”. I.E. a bunch of differently-colored variants with unique effects a’la Binding of Issac!

(Green bursters leave puddles/pox clouds, purple could deal 100% corruption damage (instead of the split we have now), Red could be faster and cause bleeding, yellow could be less damage but more knockback, Orange could create a fire trail/puddle, and blue could invert your controls (Boy that’d suck, maybe something else: they could not explode when pushed and be harder to stagger, that’d be better methinks, or we forget blue entirely because that’s you-know-who’s color and Nurgle doesn’t like them specifically))

I really wouldn’t mind if those modifiers just disappeared altogether. They’re just emblematic of the problem if you ask me. Mostly melee? Mauler/crusher spam. Hunting grounds? Dog spam. Monstrous specials? Spam the same three monstrosities over and over (not so bad if there were just more monstrosities to pick from, but there isn’t). After beast of nurgle no. 15, I’m just fed up.

The most ridiculous is waves of mutants though. Generating an actual conga line is just hilarious, and not in a good way. I honestly have a hard time taking the game seriously at that point, it’s like someone is trying to turn darktide spawns into a comedy bit. And don’t get me started on that one maelstrom with mutants, bursters, dogs and barrels. I swear whoever designed that degenerate piece of f***ery has a special sense of humor.

My one hope for havoc is that we get something that isn’t just blatant spam of a single enemy. At that point I honestly wouldn’t miss maelstrom. But hey, I’m sure someone likes all the repetitive stuff, so by all means means keep it around. I’m just looking for something different.

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Fair enough. Hopefully the approach they take with Havoc will be closer to your vision of difficulty.

But in defense of the Mutie conga line, when you get in a groove of dodging, weaving and 1-hit KO’ing a whole line of them like some kind of twisted game of Dance Dance Revolution it can be very exhilarating and a bit cathartic. I find myself feeling elated when me and my squad pull off a victory against overwhelming odds, and you can’t quite get that without the “overwhelming” bit. But that’s all subjective in the end.

And I think there’s a bit of room for comedy in Darktide. I’ll never tire of funny ragdolls and being serious 100% of the time corrodes the spirit. I’m not batman over here, I like to laugh.

Let me get this straight. No ammo pickups is what you were missing in the first two?

Nah nah…

More Barrels.

The biggest problem with these “spam X enemy” modifier is their spawn logic. They’re never spawned during the horde and events; and they’re spawned in waves. So instead of changing the regular horde fighting gameplay (you know, like a modifier), it just adds in moment where your team stops in place to deal with the wave. These modifiers rarely present any actual challenges instead just waste time.

Extra Poxbursters and Muties shouldn’t mean you intermittently get waves of them; it should mean vastly increased spawn rates and them spawning more during events. They should be coming in from all directions to create more chaos.

The sound of the Hound Pack spawning should make your a-hole pucker in fear because the team is dealing with a horde or down a person as they’re doing the event mini game. It shouldn’t be a boring minute of swinging at a door spawn or a funnel spot. It’s still basically free ammo for teams with a vet with ammo aura and a throwing dagger refill for zealots.

Extra snipers is actually decent, but it s more of an accidental design. The sniper wave spawns so far ahead that it means you’re usually triggering a horde or a large patrol at the same time you get to them. This actually presents a change as now you’re dodging a ton of snipers on top of regular gameplay.

Wave of specialists and minor monstrosities is good, besides that you’ll get havoc soon, this won’t bother you anymore

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The devs in this game had severe struggles making the game. This was best they could do in short amount of time. But since the game is finally out of beta, it’s time to address these issues that’s never been tinkered with really. Like you said many of these shouldn’t even exist but it’s the best we have. They literally just throw more disablers at you and go, yeah that’s content and difficulty scale. It’s ducking boring as duck. I’m not gonna fault them for that since they still have to make more content. But at least take 2 digit only missions out of maelstrom

now i like both ideas.

in tandem we could get a map or two where our reject group gets funneled through various ambushes and setups with a climax in new boss fights with said houndmaster or huntsman.

maybe the 40k predator version

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