The Deed is Done.
gz! you became a true inquisitor now
i’d like FS to expand more with penances for more free cosmetics and stuff
they should give a reward for completing all of the penances.
Agreed! I mean, I did make this post and all: I Crave More Penances
That would be nice. Something like a title at least. Maybe “Penitent”? Something that us weirdos would appreciate but the common folks who ain’t got time to grind wouldn’t mind going without.
idk about that, i liked that you can unlock last reward with about 85-90% of penance, so not necessarily 100% completion mark, it kinda gives some margin.
extra penances are just there for something to do left
if they do another batch of cosmetics they should keep that in mind as well imo
after all the best titles or frames are the one that comes through challenge, which sadly are not many
Aye, you’ve got a point there. Besides, having a “Final Reward” implies that there won’t be any additional penances and I, as I’ve mentioned prior, crave more penances.
To get the best of both worlds, I wouldn’t mind them giving us a better title (The ones you unlock via penances are quite wordy) whenever they get around to adding another proper batch of penances.
There could simply be an updating Penance that awards no penance points and requires you to acquire 100% of the available penance points.
If you have 100% penance points, the special penance is completed and you get access to a title.
If new penances are added, you no longer have 100% so you no longer have the special penance completed. You lose access to the title, until you complete those new penances as well.
I suggested this on previous occasions:
Certain penances should have 1 or more higher tier versions (which are actually difficult or take a lot of time/effort) that give you special portrait frames or donglis, and which award no penance points and go in a separate section called “Heroism”.
A “currently have 100% penance completion” task could be in the “Heroism” section as well.
How many hours do you have in-game?
What was the most grueling penance to get?
What was the final penance you earned?
Auric Storm Survivor was the most difficult, since I insisted on doing it via quickplay and without quitting out. But the most boring was “Complete 50 matches in The Void” because the void only has one map and I only had like, 20ish natural plays before I had to grind it out.
Final Penance was “Catch your breath (3)” for completing 50 pox gas missions. I actually have that match recorded on my Youtube channel for posterity.
nice work dude : ) ive been working on these myself so i know what youve done here…
I’ll join you one day i hope lol
Hope you get there soon!
true yeh i mean you get some fancy cosmetics near the end tho
so you do get something but a nice title for 100% would be really good idea
GG, im nearly there i have 4710 pennance score lul
Btw whats the total pennance score for all of them being done?
bruh im at like 3.8k i think
That would be 4935
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