the thing is, it was SO rare, that for some people it’s nigh impossible to get. as a game dev you definitely don’t want to have a game system that just discourages people because they’re not getting rewarded for putting hundreds of hours into the game. it needed balancing.
you just won’t get one shot by an accidental volley/burning skull burst now, but it will still hurt =(
they reduced the power scaling across the board for everything. all your weapons are weaker now, apparently this is more in line with their design view.
have you played the new patch? the game is significantly harder now.
Uh… for the challenge? For the fun? For the reds/cosmetics that can now drop in champ general and emperor chests?
Believe it or not, there’s a lot of us who play for the fun of it and not to obsess over meta and grind up the best loot.
Patch is great so far. Legend is still challenging, enemies feel tougher, and there’s a lot less trait and talent bugs. Keep up the good work Fatshark!
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I absolutely agree, it feels unrewarding to play champion now. Higher rate of failure with same rate of getting loot.
Same for me, I did plenty of legend runs and it doesn’t feel too different overall. Still getting lots of hordes and specials (even though you can’t hear specials 90% of the time as client, please fatshark). Director still spawning hordes during combat so I don’t think they really changed that very much. Overall, the game feels better than it did before imo.
the cleave/stagger is just as obscene as it was in 1.04 so i don’t really see the point of a patch that was supposed to address players cleaving too much when…the end result is them cleaving just as much. they take an extra swing or 2 depending on the weapon, class and enemy type but you still hit 6 of them at a time and the heavier weapons are back to stunlocking elites WHILE cleaving a horde without a care in the world so what’s even the point? the red drop rate increase is also completely ridiculous unless the people in my group and the two discords i’m in all got insanely lucky yesterday. the friendly fire nerf is also just laughable but i can see the direction everything is going.
phantom strikes being fixed is nice. talent fixes and certain talent buffs are nice, good to see characters getting looked at
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I can’t help but to agree with this. It’s not even about one’s opinion about whether the 1.05 beta was too much of a nerf, it’s simply that I feel no major difference between the official release and 1.04. Except for special spawns which are out of control - disablers on champion and up spawn in numbers between 2 and 4. Getting two silent hookrats is a common occurrence. I had a Skittergate game earlier when we jumped down to the Gatekeeper’s arena and 3 blighstormers started casting simultaneously with no line of sight (thankfully before we triggered the boss).
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they mixed up their builds again. It’s like the exact opposite of what’s in the patch notes, except for some of the bugfixes.