Log of my new games on the recent patch, offer for more support

first game, legend map where you have to blow up the gain stored in the town… empire in flames and get to second grim get stuck jumping on the first box, to get second grim… no way to get free, team wipes.

second game, starting to notice the lag pause everyone is talking about, and i run low settings and +150 fps on 1 max stacking frames with 2ms keyboard and mouse, and 144hz lg monitor with <1ms display… its the map with the guys hanging upside down on the wheel with the entirety of the male anatomy off… convocation of decay think. we get to the part were the guy with wheel is, and the host crashed.

i did get a chest from leveling and it had a green which yielded 2 green dye, but when i spent them trying to roll my red neck to the stats i wanted it just didnt rnjesus me… so ive been rolling this neck thing for 3 weeks exclusively with out getting the combo of +2 stamina +20% health that i wanted. maybe 150 dust into it… cause i was already tapped out when i started.

im starting to wonder if i will ever have a single set of gear for one character that i wanted… when have nights like this, and fat shark this is typical.

i really love the game you have here, obviously… or i would bail. I got the collectors, edition too.

i’d be happy to pay you for green dust, and /or to buy the ver 1 game skins if wanted to sell them if you guys are short on cash and struggling to make ends meet, if that helps you make updates and gives me a better play experience.

is there a way to donate directly to your company? im really well off, and don’t care what it takes, nothing else to do in life but play a few games and watch my investments grow.

im not into any other games right now so if you can do anything to make this one work a bit better, in terms of being able to play a mission with out a crash, or getting loot I would like after grinding for a few weeks please let me know. would a 30 o r 40 thousand dollar do anything for you guys? if you need more ill have to move some stuff around, but its not an issue.