Bad Luck Protection for getting Reds from chests

Sounds like the havenots are upset because they have-not lol. The loot system is fine – leave it alone.

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It’s really not fine in any way. If the crafting system was the same as it is in V1, it’d be fine. With the current state of the game, it’s totally broken. The green dust situation makes it even worst because crafting just isn’t a think unless you spend days farming solo speed runs for green dust, which is boooooooring.

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go play v1 then

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He has three posts, and all of them are basically troll-bait.

Safe to ignore, I’d say.


How constructive. Of course I can do that but this is a feedback forum.

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Good point. Thanks.

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Ramrodicus is just who he is man, he gets banned, makes a new account and keeps going, I love it.

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but my account isnt banned


try again

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Using multiple accounts in order to avoid account action gets all the accounts removed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, @RAMRODICUS / @RAMRODlCUS


We should have a consistent way to get reds or V1’s crafting system… with the current game, we can’t take 100% from every careers or simply try new builds.

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G-g-g-g-g-g-gottem. Sigmar Bless this Ravaged forum! Hedge coming in thicc with the banhammer.


Get 'em Senpai Hedge. Smite those heretics.


I got my 3rd red necklace today so…yeah. A charm would have been nice, at least then I would have had all 3 accessory slots full.

I think the game needs to increased Red droprates again but especially weapon drops in general, I’m getting FAAAR too many trinkets/charms/necklaces. I’m sick of seeing them. I want nice weapon illusions, not lousy accessories I can’t even see on my character.


Holy crap, Savage! :heart: FS


If he made 2 accounts to avoid a ban he wouldn’t be able to comment with both accounts, JS. lol