I played strictly Zealot in the first beta, and I’ve picked it up again in the current test.
I haven’t played any other classes at all, not even once. So this won’t be a comparison or me whining about the sharpshooter being better or something.
All I know is the zealot, and what I know is that the current zealot is not the zealot I want to be zealotting with.
Upon loading up the zealot for the first time about a week or so ago since the first beta - - I felt like I was playing a different game.
I’m so slow. My ultimate behaves differently. I don’t like it. It was fairly versatile before. I could charge out of a bad spot and take a bunch of attention off my team. I could charge at a special/armored enemy and remove a threat(or two). I could disrupt a large group of enemies giving my team an opportunity to make a tactical decision. I could get out of suppressed cover and charge at a bunch of ranged enemies instead of standing there eating bullets.
Now, it’s just annoying and not fun. My ultimate isn’t giving me much threat, to anything really.
I haven’t even reached level 30 yet in this current beta, but if my memory serves me correctly I should be scaling a lot better than I am. I am a very good player and I feel like I’m going to be severely handicapped when I get into difficulties 4&5. I wouldn’t blame people if they discouraged Zealots in the higher difficulties, especially in pubs.
I’m asking for a sizeable buff to the zealots ultimate ability. There should be like 5 seconds of 100% crit, the ability to pass through enemies, the ability to stop the ult on command, major disruption and crowd control upon arrival. Keep the lengthy cool down if it makes you feel better about it.
The hammer is now just depressing and unremarkable. I feel like choosing between the hammer and the eviscerator should be a difficult choice. Spoiler Alert: it’s not. GIVE ME DAMAGE AND KNOCKBACK ON THUNDERSTRIKE AND PLAY AN AC/DC SAMPLE ON HIT.
The flamer is cool, but it’s oh so damn slow to start up. It’s really hard to justify taking a flamer when your melee feels so weak(because you should have enough crowd control with your ult and a hammer).
Sprinting feels nerfed as hell. It feels so much slower and you can’t even run away from enemies anyway!
P.S. I still love the game!