XSX Disconnects

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Very frequent Random Disconnects from matches since the April Update. Game regularly disconnects me at least twice each mission that I’m doing. It’ll appear like the game has froze then after a few seconds everyone will just run in place and then I’m kicked from the game and have to rejoin. It’s ruined multiple matches. I’ve never had this problem before this update. It’s incredibly frustrating and it’s happening to a lot of players I’m playing with. Please fix this asap.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%) or higher

Platform (Required):

Xbox (Console)[quote=“LordCLOUT, post:1, topic:93949, full:true”]

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Very frequent Random Disconnects from matches since the April Update. Game regularly disconnects me at least twice each mission that I’m doing. It’ll appear like the game has froze then after a few seconds everyone will just run in place and then I’m kicked from the game and have to rejoin. It’s ruined multiple matches. I’ve never had this problem before this update. It’s incredibly frustrating and it’s happening to a lot of players I’m playing with. It’s very discouraging to load up and just know that eventually you’re gonna get kicked and it’s probably gonna happen at the worst possible time and also possibly ruin the run for you and your team. Please fix this asap.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%) or higher

Platform (Required):

Xbox (Console)

strong text

I believe this is related to an existing issue of ours, which we are actively investigating. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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