Wrong Weapon Illusion on daggers template in the forge


So my problem is the following I accidentally applied the “Glade Guardian’s Glaia” weapon illusion on the daggers template in the forge, it’s supposed to be “Metalsmith’s Fragile Glaia” and was wondering if it could be reverted back to the “Metalsmith’s Fragile Glaia” weapon illusion.

My dual daggers template in the forge.

And the dual daggers template in the forge of my friend, to show what it’s supposed to be.

I know it’s not a big deal, but I would really like to know if it can be corrected or not, thanks.

Hi @CitizenKhaine

Please message me with your Steam profile URL and we’ll take a looksee :slight_smile:

@CitizenKhaine we’ve removed the illusion applied by mistake, and this should now be reverted back to the default for you :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! :smiley:

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