I was for real thinking about playing a little, just to get the new penances and “rewards”, but for another posts and looking it up by myself i notice that penances like the 1 million kills got reduced to 500k kills, the complete 1500 missions got to 500 and the 250 missions to 100.
Im so mad i really put some effort on getting the 1 mil kill and now practically anyone that just put a minimum effort can obtein, this is such a Lshark move, if this doesn’t get fix soon i’ll delete the game from my acount (cause i was allready gone and i just came back to see the “new changes”), this could be done by reverting these changes or giving rewards to the players that really did the grind.
… you seem like the kind of person who would be mad about student debt relief…
this forum has the most entitled and selfish players i have ever seen in my life. theyre not gonna go back on their change because youre mad i can get those challenges in half the time you did i hate to break it to you.
delete the game if you want, fatshark already has both your money and time put into the game.
What a stupid comparison.
(Aside from student debt relief having it‘s own issues and not just being a great thing…)
Those penances have absolutely no value aside from having something to chase after and then getting something cosmetic to show off.
So why would you turn them into participation trophies? It makes no sense.
Nobody actually benefits from these changes.
The changes simply reduced the cool factor of those cosmetics, by reducing the effort required.
FS could have simply added additional rewards in between for some penances, but kept the high end cosmetic rewards as they were.
Instead, they gave a few more portrait frames to the casuals, while reducing the number of penances for long term players to zero.
Changing class penances is one thing.
Some of them were actually too difficult or annoying to do.
Some class penances depend on the completion of others, so being stuck with one, might lock you out of other penances, too.
With the right approach, they can generally be done within 1-2 missions, so changing them usually does not really take much away from anyone who completed them before (although even this is debatable in some cases, since some penances used to actually require a reasonable amount of skill).
But the entire point of penances like “do this mission type 250 times”, “complete 1500 missions” or “kill 1million enemies” is to play the game a lot.
They are not difficult, but take a lot of time and dedication.
Those penances are not required for any other penances and nobody loses out on anything important by not completing them.
These penances were literally all about dedicating your time and effort to doing the thing many times. In some cases hundreds of hours.
And that got taken away for no reason.
That’s an interesting take on “entitlement”. Isn’t it actually the other way around and some players feel entitled to be able to get every penance done easily and quickly?
I think you are confusing a sense of “entitlement” with a sense of “accomplishment” here.
It is not the case, that any of the recently changed penances unlocked something game relevant. They are completetly arbitrary. Their exclusivity and required dedication to playing the game went with somewhat of prestige and a sense of accomplishment.
All of this might not matter to you. But it did to a lot of longtime players.
Yes this was a silly change, add new frames to the 1mill and 1500 missions, 250 condition missions atleast. Also why cant we have account stats, i would like to know how many kills i have on the account even past 1mill. Eg show the kills pennance as 1247245/1000000 and scale infinitely with all kills
Problems when the meaning of playing games is more about rewards than to just have fun playing the game.
At least a questionable move from FS, because they know for sure it will cause the players who already have it and means a lot to them will be disappointed and angry.
But because it’s only a fraction of Players, maybe less than 1% it doesnt matter and
and that makes real gamers with dedication (up to having exploitet several Penances at launch) angry.
Everytime it happens it’s funny.
I grinded MC to get XY before Burning Crusade and now it’s worthless from 20 years back 
I feel sorry for the people who have it, i may need to look it up if i have it already now 
I will have fun when I’m done grinding.
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This might only be me being old fashioned, as I’m a 35yo washed out gamer. But that being said, I’ve competed in more than 1 game at the highest level, and I’ve had a front seat view to the world of gaming. Anyway, if my memory serves me right (who knows, I’m 35yo), accomplishments used to be more personal? We had to set our own personal goals, and even though we didn’t get flashy skins or emblems from completing them, we still felt good about getting them done.
Has this changed? Has moved from pleasure attained from a personal sense of achievement, to pleasure being attained from being able to brandish a medal? If that is the case, is it a generational thing, or a consequence of game design?
This is not a for or against, I am happy with both, just genuinely curious.
It is personal achievement. The 1milll kills frame was alot of time dedicated to playing and then you get something to show for the time you put into something you enjoy. Like “yea i did that, that guy doesnt have it…but i do” seems pretty personal to me
As in “personal” achievement, in this case I was trying to convey the kind of achievement only you know you’ve accomplished. As opposed to the sense of achievement you get from being able to brandish something that someone else does not have. There is quite the difference when it comes to what the motivator is.
I’m not saying it can not be both, but to me it seems like theres been a shift.
put some effort on getting the 1 mil kills…
You mean, you have just… played a game?
How does one not put effort into killing 1mil while playing is literally about killing?
I’m at 470h and around 250k kills… guess everyone gets it now without any “effort” 
(not even 40% of steam players reached level 30 with one character, you’re overestimating the time people put into this game)
I might not have made myself clear, so I’ll try with an example.
Person A, “I want to set myself a goal, you know what, I’m going to kill 1 million enemies!” They then kill 1 million enemies, and in the end, they get a medal as a bi-product and think “Cool, nice bonus”.
Person B, “I want to be able to showcase something very few people are able to, how do I do that? I know, if I kill 1 million enemies I get a very rare medal”.
Again, not saying one is better than the other, and could perfectly be a bit of both. Just saying that as an observer, its seems it has shifted more from being generally more of person A, to more of person B. I could be completely wrong though.
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I still think 1 million kills sounds better than half a million…
Try to imagine how awful would this line sound if it was just half a million or Emperor forbid 5 hundred thousand dollars:

I want my 934 500 + kills back!
Idk man. I cant see how many kills i personally get per game so i cant try to beat personal records in that way so not much choice
I have 29 days game time and 480k kills so i agree with you 500k is still alot of kills. but they should have kept 1mill and added something different for 500k
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Theres no way of knowing you get to 1mil kills without the pennance to track it is the main issue, i dont necessarily care about the frame its just the only way to see your total account kill count. and then after you do the pennance the kill tracker is completely gone so you cant go on tracking up to 2mill kills etc
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Not gonna lie i cannot imagine wasting my time on “challenges” with zero rewards associated when they are clearly BS and then when the devs give you rewards the only takeaway you have is that other people might not waste as much time as you did and they need to be punished appropriately
Back in the days you was unlocking super-duper unlimitted ammo weapon or secret character for doing some hard stuff, beating secret levels, then you share that accomplishment with your friends.
So there are always was something to flex about your accomplishments, not just “reward is there in my head and noone can see it”
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