My opinion about stuff which catched my ire:
About Catacysm dificulty:
Entire concept is evolved around strong hiting enemies, the mobs which instant gib you or hits you for 80% of your HP, the BIG issue is Lag hits, they happen now and there, and player cannot do much, by now being hited by lag hit is basicly end of your mission. So im prety sure that Fatshark can keep Catacylsm challanging without one shoot policy, which im not fan of. Because to surivive one shoot enviroment you need to have AWESOME internet connection, so far I know only 1x guy who completed all missions on catacysm, and he got optic proxy internet conncection, so no lag hits for him. But whats with rest of us mortals? One shot policy = highly suspectable to ping. There must be other way
About WHC (my favorite class)
I wont comment other classes because I didnt play them enough
-Mostly i miss my Temp health on kill talent (i woud really want it back)
-I also miss my heresy talent (but can live without it)
-I also feels that level 35 talent was nerf from 40% cooldown to 40% cooldown if hit 10 enemies.
so overall I lost 2 talent and one is nerfed (thats why I cannot be happy with talent changes at least not on WHC)
Raiper (the weapon i invested 500+ hours)
Slashes feel completly useless on cata dificulty and in Weaves 45+, acutaly trying to slash something is good way to die, it feels like you hited Terminator, no damage, no stagger, mob just bash you back, so using stabs 99% of time, i feel no confidence to slash something, cant even slash simple paesant rat. Useless left click wasnt your intention I guess.
About Weaves:
I love weaves, and love concept of ladderboard, looking foward to see new weaves in future on seasons, but its somewhat hard to find people for weaves, maybe something can be done there… No one love to spend playtime searching and searching.
About Sheepmans
I love them, they demands diferent approach, and that was the goal i presume, it will be lame if we got reskined chaos, keep them unique.
About Cosmetics:
I know its still beta but i woud love to see some of them, rare cosmetics always gief you special mystery when going on mission, like when you go fishing RL and spark your imagination with big fishes below the lake
gief us a spark
About Number of new maps:
Weaves are basicly new maps, and they look awesome, GJ on that, but I see some people are not happy with that, they woud like few more regular maps, so basicly new map is always good, its never mistake to relase some new maps.