WoM Community Poll

Oh God, finally someone noticed and said that. “A Quiet Drink” map is way better and interesting than “Dark Omens” who looks like underdone compare to this first.
Also final encounter in AQD is much more fun. Why no more maps like this? Why no put in to “DO” some chunk of areas touched by winds of magic as anomaly?
I have the impression that someone ran out of ideas on how the map might look.

Indeed that was simple stupid idea. If they really wanted to raise the level, they could just give some interesting new talents as 35, but for God sake, not moving old ones on this position to unlock them again. How could anyone even think it would be fun?

Negative feedback you said. Hmmm… Ok., you may count on it. However, I am afraid that they will not read it even more hehehe


Hey. I know my opinion shouldn’t be taken too serious as I have only played the game for a 190 hours, and still havent completed all the maps on legend, however I feel like i made a mistake by not doing it before as I’m sure at this point I will never be able do them. I remember when I started playing the game just one month after its release and I had a very good time even with all the bugs in it. After all the time I invested in the game, I felt the power gain and It felt great to carry levels, but in my view the longer the game is out and the more patches its getting, the more the characters are being nerfed and the game is getting just too difficult. I used to main salt however i changed over to sienna as she was a lot stronger and required a more challanging playstyle. I was okay with the damage nerf and I’m pretty sure at some point i was generating more heat as well, meaning less staff using, however when the ranged temp health gain was removed from the game I was devastated, i really like the idea of swapping between melee and ranged in any class, however forcing to use melee on every character like sienna or the wood elf is making me believe that the classes are getting more simple and more of the same in a way, just hack the enemy keep clicking til your finger dies up no matter what you are playing and well, profit? So I just went and used melee weapon on sienna in like 80% of the time like it was another warrior or something in some flashy custome, however this was also ruined for me as the temp health gain got seriously nerfed in this remastered patch. I read through all the talents on all the classes and kinda got to the point where most classes have very similar talents and yes some of them are exactly the same just with different names. So at this point we cant heal or gain temp health then i guess we should just aim for the characters that has the most damage reduction or support abilities to survive harder difficulties? Or maybe its just me who sucks and gets a hit every so often from the enemies behind coming from nowhere. To show that im not just only here to complain, i would suggest to rework the temp health and healing system in general, and give it back to ranged attacks, create different talents to make classes and sub classes more unique.


How about removing 2nd level of stagger?
So something is either staggered or not, giving a bonus between the 2 stages, like 25-30% damage and that’s it?
This way it wouldn’t matter what animation the enemy is in, you would know what’s up and what bonus to expect.

Edit: Or differentiating between the 2 stages in a way that only heavy stagger weapons and shields can achieve 2nd stage and light weapons only 1st stage.


Yes, that is a big change in direction of this game no one really talks about.
And i will never get tired of pulling this quote out from reddit:

Map dlcs are apparently too risky for fatshark. So winds of magic was set up to recycle as much as possible and still put out “new” content. To save money.
But the weaves fail to deliver on atmosphere. Sometimes they look nice, but just the overall atmosphere in the screaming bell were you battle your way thru alleys and streets at night in the rain delivers something that the waves dont (at least for me).

And thats a big problem i dont want to play grindy weaves, all i wanted is to play maps. And the new dlc just gives you one!

I have played vermintide 2 for far more than a year and loved it until 2.0.
I dont like the combat changes in the new patch. If i would try i could maybe get into it again, but at this point i dont want to try anymore. 17€ is to much for some enemys 1 map and 5 weapons.
So i dont buy this dlc and just keep playing the same maps with less fun combat?

Sadly they had to patch that game and turn it into something else. The weaves and their twitchability combined with the focus on seasons instead of new maps is indicative what direction this game is about to take.
Anyway, even though I dont like this new game and wouldnt have played it as long as I did. It might still be good enough for newcomers but dont expect to be able to play this game a year from now. They might change their mind again and turn this into something else entirely.


That’s everything for me. Plugging away at this only to find out that in 2 seasons it’s going to feature Nurgle Demons who just give you Tuberculosis and then the rest of the level is on short timer until you die of consumption with some screen effects to show the effects of a high temperature and delerium.

RELEASE THE MAP TOOLS. At least then everyone might see how hard it is to make a map -or they’ll make some awesome maps we can vote to be sanctioned.


I’m just gonna add to my main complaint this . Now I got explained by a person that 10% increase is from previous beta, which makes it even more baffling.

Why would you put only last beta changes for a mainline release, when not everyone is or should be following your test releases? This feels intentional by design so less people would complain about it and it is insidious, if true.

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Overall, I am neutral to slightly positive towards WoM.
Dodging nerf was necessary, but we are at a point again where clients are at a hefty disadvantage again.
Considering how overwhelmed you get with enemies on Legend and Cata, the dodge-changes seem kinda unnecessary.
Same with the stagger-mechanics. They are quirky, not well explained, quite counter-intuitive and without someone providing good CC on Cata, you won’t get very far, anyhow.

Cataclysm is funny, but difficulty is largely because of RNG crap again, not real skill-based challenge.

New talents are largeley at a better spot than before, but there are still some where you don’t even need to try them out to see that they are not worth it.

New weapon are cheap and low effort with the exception of throwing axes. Those are awesome.

The new game mode is something I won’t even waste time in. It’s griny, it’s not that much fun, and the prospect to do everything again and again later on kills any enthusiasm I could foster for it.

Beastmen are a nice addition, but need some tweaking. Wargor banner is so incredibly more powerful than any other special (even blyatstormer and kekmaster) that it just sticks out too much. You don’t get much of a fighting chance to dispatch the Wargor before he puts it down, the radius is huge, the effect strong and depending on the map, it can be placed in VERY out of reach places. Considering you have very little ways of both avoiding the banner placement and also destroying it, the penalty it provides is not very well balanced. Reduce the range drastically, slightly reduce the effect and one the banner is destroyed, EVERY gor who was currently under its effect should get knocked down.

For the rest? Make dodging a bit more forgiving again (for the clients’ sake), get rid of the stagger mechanic. Everything else is fine-tuning. Cata enemies could use a slight reduction in health, because it already results in a very narrow meta: stack attack speed. Who cares if you can shave off one attack needed to kill an enemy when every larger enemy takes so much more damage, anyhow? The whole boon of hitting break points was getting one-shots or reducing the number of hits to kill elites with 1 or 2 strikes less. Has alot more impact if you go down from 4 to 3 to kill a CW , doesn’t really matter if you go down from 10 to 9.


“If we removed all the stagger stuff now, with Shields and 2H Hammer having their mobility buffs, then I believe the only “bad” weapons in the game would be the Dual Daggers.”

but that is the exact opposite of balance. balance is certain weapons being better at certain things than others. weapons that can do it all arent balanced at all are instead over-powered.

the talent changes went to far the wrong way. they should have nerfed them all. not created more op. ideally most players would find the higher levels way above their skill level. most people are “normal” and should play at that and it should be a challenge with increasingly fewer players able to make runs at higher levels. that most who play a few hours can handle them tells you right off that the balance is off.

i like thp being down too. it as a game breaker and people built around it. its part of what made players op.

i dont like the weaves either. same reasons as you.

i dont like kerillians spear and shield because shes already fast, giving her tank helps OP her even more. the flail looks cool as can be. ill give it that.

dodge needs to be reduced. people with lag are lagging because of either bad internet, a temp bad connection, or because they are connected to someone long distance. the first one is their problem, the second is no ones, and the last one is theirs … they can host.

I . . . wasn’t saying everything would be equal in all respects, just that “everything would have a use that makes it worthy of consideration”. We have weapons that are even more of an issue being “good at everything” under this system - Glaive, XSword in particular are good at everything. They have stagger and damage, which are honestly the only stats that matter much in the current “meta”. Other things are “good” but with substantial flaws, like how shield weapons are terrible at fighting bosses. Many, many more things are just bad, because they lack a key ability (Spear lacks pace now, and is terribly bad against Elites), and some are just terrible because they essentially do nothing good (like Dual Daggers, but this has been the case ever since they were over-nerfed).


I got to play more tonight, and got a little more idea about what’s what now. As the couple earlier times we played after the update, we got slaughtered. Our little group that was quite happily doing hypertwitch Legend before. What I noticed that it was pretty much due to hordes being a lot harder to deal with now. That’s not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but I couldn’t really pinpoint whether it was due to the much more durable enemies in hordes, or the reduced dodge capabilities, or the presence of Beastmen, or lack of certain Talents, or simply not being used to the weapon and Talent changes… Or the issues with game performance that seem to plague me and several other users. And again that’s primarily because all of these are present. Everything taken together makes things very hard to pinpoint, and I can’t really separate the issues enough to figure out what I need to concentrate on to get back to my earlier level. So it again comes back to every change coming at once overwhelming me (or us) as a player. This one’s too late to fix now, but hopefully FS will take heed for the next one - don’t push several major changes to the game out all at once. It makes things a lot harder both for us, as players, and you, as the ones who need to do the balancing and figuring out how to make sense of everything.


I think Champion is “normal” and Legend is “hard”. Recruit/Veteran are basically just extended tutorial. And a lot of people do play on Champion if they think Legend is too hard.


Couldn’t agree more. I feel like I’m re-learning the entire game again. It is nice to have it feel fresh again… but this is just way too much stuff at once.


My opinion about stuff which catched my ire:

About Catacysm dificulty:
Entire concept is evolved around strong hiting enemies, the mobs which instant gib you or hits you for 80% of your HP, the BIG issue is Lag hits, they happen now and there, and player cannot do much, by now being hited by lag hit is basicly end of your mission. So im prety sure that Fatshark can keep Catacylsm challanging without one shoot policy, which im not fan of. Because to surivive one shoot enviroment you need to have AWESOME internet connection, so far I know only 1x guy who completed all missions on catacysm, and he got optic proxy internet conncection, so no lag hits for him. But whats with rest of us mortals? One shot policy = highly suspectable to ping. There must be other way

About WHC (my favorite class)
I wont comment other classes because I didnt play them enough
-Mostly i miss my Temp health on kill talent (i woud really want it back)
-I also miss my heresy talent (but can live without it)
-I also feels that level 35 talent was nerf from 40% cooldown to 40% cooldown if hit 10 enemies.
so overall I lost 2 talent and one is nerfed (thats why I cannot be happy with talent changes at least not on WHC)

Raiper (the weapon i invested 500+ hours)
Slashes feel completly useless on cata dificulty and in Weaves 45+, acutaly trying to slash something is good way to die, it feels like you hited Terminator, no damage, no stagger, mob just bash you back, so using stabs 99% of time, i feel no confidence to slash something, cant even slash simple paesant rat. Useless left click wasnt your intention I guess.

About Weaves:
I love weaves, and love concept of ladderboard, looking foward to see new weaves in future on seasons, but its somewhat hard to find people for weaves, maybe something can be done there… No one love to spend playtime searching and searching.

About Sheepmans
I love them, they demands diferent approach, and that was the goal i presume, it will be lame if we got reskined chaos, keep them unique.

About Cosmetics:
I know its still beta but i woud love to see some of them, rare cosmetics always gief you special mystery when going on mission, like when you go fishing RL and spark your imagination with big fishes below the lake :slight_smile: gief us a spark

About Number of new maps:
Weaves are basicly new maps, and they look awesome, GJ on that, but I see some people are not happy with that, they woud like few more regular maps, so basicly new map is always good, its never mistake to relase some new maps.


Initially I didn’t really have a problem with stagger and dodge until I started to have a very frequent issue. Where it was very easy for me to kite entire hordes of enemies but the avoiding damage while dealing it is so hard now that what kills me is trying to fight a horde that I can kite for days. And so its strange because it feels like being punished for fighting. Espeically beastmen every time I go to engage I’m taking a bunch of chip damage. That coupled with it taking so long to kill a horde when I also don’t feel secure in the mechanics to DPS it has made the combat at higher difficulties less fun.

THP loss was kinda harmful and the loss of THP on ult for RV/Verde Elgi is really rough. In combat system where I take more hits than the previous iteration of the game I now also have less tools to mitigate it.

Weaves=Idk how many more ways can I say that weaves are a bad implementation of something I didn’t even want in the first place.

Cata is great and beastmen despite being maybe a bit overtuned are a great addition and Omens is a cool map. But I’d be overlooking too many decisions I dislike to say this is a good expansion.


It was 30% before. But THP on elite/special kill is a huge loss.


This is the biggest issue.

The increase to enemy HP has led to numerous weapons and breakpoints being pushed to the wayside. In game I could not one shot a clan rat with a 1h axe and 30% increased damage against skaven\infantry. I have the same issue with the 2h axe, where a charged attack with 30% power against chaos\infantry can’t kill a fanatic. These enemies are meant to be fodder.

This has, in my opinion, utterly ruined the viability of my favourite weapons while also making the combat feel horribly sluggish and unrewarding. I also don’t appreciate that they messed with Legend (and other difficulties) which I previously enjoyed, instead of just adding Cataclysm.

They essentially threw 1 year of balance updates out the window.


After dedicating some time to Winds of Magic I guess I’m mostly negative to this update.
But there are still some positive moments:

  • Weave maps look really amazing.

  • Some new talents are fun and interesting to use.

  • New faction of enemies adds more diversity.

  • Throwing axes and billhook are fun to use.

  • Archers are fun to fight against.

And that’s about it.

Now let’s talk about negaitve ascepts of update though I doubt I can say anything new.

  • First of all, who thought that this is a good idea to increase HP and amount of enemies on ALL difficulties? As far as I remember, the whole idea of update was to add new difficulty, not make all game more difficult. Plus, my PC freezes sometimes because of too big amount of enemies which never happened during pre 2.0 expirience.

  • Stagger mechanic feels really unnecessary. And if a talent requires whole bunch of text description then it should be reconcidered. Everything must be simple and natural, in my opinion.

  • Slot system has always been a mess. And now it’s even worse. Beastmen just stack into each other turning into a big mass that crushes you in seconds.

  • THP rework, in my opinion, makes it too risky and unrewarding to go meelee now. I mean, you can gain some HP in meelee combat and then even more of it gonna be taken away by some ungors hiding behind everyting. And you can’t even dodge properly from that.

  • Weaves are too grindy and don’t feel like part of game. There’s no plot, no final mission to complete Weaves, they just go on endlessly.

  • Game feels more grindy overall.

  • Some talents are useless. You don’t even need to try them to understand it. 3% damage reduction? Wow.

In conclusion, I feel very disappointed by this update. They way the game goes gets disturbing.


Grind is the worst because even though I don’t like weaves I can see where there’s an audience for it. But even the few people trying to defend the grind don’t make it sound good at all. Its insulting to be asked to earn things I already had again. And then telling me that the intent would be for me to do it every season? I don’t even like having to re earn the last row of talents, but seeing as my favorites got removed anyway I guess it doesn’t matter. But starting from scratch with every class ew. Hey here’s a game mode you don’t like with your least favorite part (the leveling) of the base game added to it.


What I like: I like the expansion overall, love the Beastmen and the new level. The Winds of Magic weaves are addictive and I’ve had some of my most clutch games in them by far. I like the new weapons and talents aside from the stagger talents (more on that below).

What I don’t like: The waiting times on most weaves is way too long and you really need at least 3 players in total to have a decent experience, 4 players in total when you get into the Legend weaves. What I usually do now is load up the game and check what weaves are being played in the lobby list, if none are near my weave then there is no point hosting a game. Playing past weaves (helping other groups out) doesn’t offer enough essence reward and can be a waste of time when doing the base game missions gets you a couple thousand.

The solution: have optional weave only bots to fill in the empty slots. These bots would be levelled automatically for the weave you are playing on and they won’t represent the ingame heroes, just have them as Avatars themed on that specific weave. The host won’t be able to equip them with specific gear or talents, leave all that on auto. Most importantly if you take the bots your game will stay in the matchmaking pool and be open to players joining. Having this would mean you stand some chance at doing the weaves, getting the Okris challenges and seeing the content you paid for instead of waiting up to 1 hour or more for players, which isn’t uncommon for me. Have a score penalty if the player takes the bots if the impact on the scores is a big issue.

What could be better: I don’t mind the stagger mechanic but how it is explain ingame, specifically the stagger talents, is too complicated. I can read it and understand it but it is too much text, just make it simple to read. Like I said, I don’t mind the mechanic itself but I also don’t think it was needed.

I like the new weapons but I think Kerillian’s shield and spear should be for all her careers. Give us different skins though for eternal guard and dread spear.

On a finale note, what the hell is wrong with Bardins Slayer leap and can it be changed back please?

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I love how “stagger mechanic is too confusing” got only 25% votes, while nearly anyone actually understands in details how it works.

It is… they did not take the feedback and they are in process of reaping the results.

Well let me know how you feel in week or two, at what weave are you currently at ?

Yea, I agree, weapons are awesome, map is great, beastmen and talents need tweaking and will be cool too, but weaves - fixed/grindy/hard/nightmare to get ppl to play with and core gameplay changes - stagger/temp hp are in horrible state currently. This did not have to happen!

/s Right ? :smile: