Look at TW and Killing Floor 2. They said in the beginning that payed items would only include cosmetics, and then look what happened. Some of the guns you could buy were borderline stupidly overpowered, but while they didn’t do good on their word and people did call them out on it, they only started doing so much, much later into the game’s lifecycle, and while I was unsatisfied with the game’s direction and left it be long before that happened, I am cutting them some slack due to the fact that they did deliver most of what was promised before they started adding p2w weapons - and most of them did get rebalanced.
I think here we have a company simply lying through their teeth, and it already starts to show how they are trying to downplay the lack of certain promised, heavily hinted at or at least reasonably expected features as “this game isn’t CoD lol” and “this doesn’t fit the setting lol”. They said they did not want to be predatory, yet there is zero other explanation for the timed items and the way Aquilas were packed. That shop had their priority at release before anything else, so it is very reasonable to assume it will have priority later on, too.
All of the design choices are deliberate, for one reason or another. Everything we have read so far was just PR-Mumbojumbo that, in my opinion, served only one purpose: To obfuscate that certain features are not there, nor will be, that there is absolutely no reason for certain things not working like they did in VT2 (we could switch heroes on the spot and have a shared invenvotry with absolutely no issue) and to be deliberately vague in certain aspects so people cannot claim stuff was promised.
There is more premeditation on their part than they would care to admit. That’s why they are keeping relatively quiet. They kinda have maneuvred themselves into a corner, PR-wise, because their PR-reps / community managers have already been caught lying (and being unnecessarily condescending and aloof while doing it) and they have realitvely little reason to believe they have much goodwill left.
I stand by my point that, from a “technical” point of view, the game is in a noticably better state as VT2 was when it launched. However, the state is still not acceptable and their track record does not inspire confidence that the majority of issues will be dealt with within a reasonable time-frame.
That is what I find so audacious: They knew the state of the game, they knew what they promised and without saying a word before release, they just rolled with it, hoping that their community will show the same understanding, lenience and patience they did with VT2. They put their money on people’s goodwill. This might have worked, if a certain CM would have watched their behaviour and what they said online a little better. It’s one thing to urinate on your customers, it is another to tell them it’s lemonade when they complain.