Why is the Crafting heading in a direction that goes directly against what we were told in the crafting blog? It genuinely is starting to feel like we're just being lied to

Hey @Aqshy I do have a legitimate question.

In the update, it says:

The same Perk slot can be replaced multiple times, but will block replacing other perks on the same item. This is the next step in building out our crafting system.

Yet in the crafting blog, it says:

while giving more impact and agency to you, the player in your preferred playstyle. The nature of randomization and repetitive actions sometimes seen within crafting is something that we are steering to avoid in the crafting system within Darktide. Meaningful choices will be made with strategy and goals behind them, as you set your eyes upon that perfect combination of melee and ranged weapons for your class.

Can you ask why this choice of locking out perks in exchange for replacing 1 was implemented, when it goes against what was said in the crafting blog? Because in my eyes, locking out perks does not reduce the “nature of randomization and repetitive actions” because when you upgrade a weapon, the perks you get are…random. So, if you upgrade a weapon and it doesn’t have the perks you want, then the weapon it useless because you can only replace one. That’s random and repetitive - which the blog says the crafting is trying to avoid.

Locking out perks except 1 does not provide me with “meaningful choices” to get “that perfect combination of melee and ranged weapons for your class” like the blog says

Locking out perks does not give me “more impact and agency” for me to be able to play in my “preferred playstyle” since I do not in fact have agency on what the perks of my weapons are. If I get a gun and I change the perk, I am shoehorned into one play style and If I want to change my playstyle, I need to get an entirely new gun with the perks I need for that.

So…what happened here? Why is this decision going against what was shown to us in the crafting blog? I hope you can understand my concern for this, because if we’re being told one thing, and then constantly being shown something else, it’s going to get harder and harder to trust anything being said. I’m not going to even get into how the false promise of 70+ weapons weren’t met, or how the 4 classes were going to provide a “deep narrative experience” and expand significantly on the VT2 classes. Which contributes to that a lot as well. If this just keeps happening over and over then this is a really, really bad look.


They even missed fev things that indicate that it was scraped & I asm not saying only about the trailers & some gameplay vids that they posted before launch…

Like when you unlock the shrine you get cutscene & it clearly says…

…ohhh they forgot to change it probably x]