Why have I been shadow banned?

Why is my Darktide account banned…
What the hell is BHV.

guess would be that it stands for Behavior

Behaviour… I literally stayed up last night for hours because it’s been the most fun I’ve had in a while. Why the hell would I be spam-thanking everything and everyone for hours just to do something so bad that it’s worth a shadow ban. I aint Kanye with bipolar disorder man…

just a guess my dude ^^ shitty tho to not even establish any form of contact prior to ban

Man Fatshark Julia saw my post about this way earlier and they didnt even tell me the cause of the backend error.

Bruh im actually hella sad, $100 dollars and 555 hours gone in an instant over an unknown factor.


how long is that in days?

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thanks man

Looks like a Epoch Unix Timestamp. About 2 days.

Sat Jul 22 2023 09:04:54 GMT+0000

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Much appreciation dude. I’m pretty sure I know now why it happened and it’s likely because I 1:1 retold a meme on chat that had slight racial undertones.

Please don’t ban me for uploading link, it’s just an explanation for everyone that might be wondering and a self reflection upon the recent hours. Prolly best to not “step out of line” next time.

Meme Origin: small power - YouTube

I had no way of knowing, as no identifiable information was provided at the time. I am not purposely withholding information.

If you wanted to know the specifics of your ban, I will need the URL to your Steam profile or the entirety of your console log, and I can PM you.

Edit: I was able to pull your Steam ID from your second post, and have sent you a PM.


much appreciation for the work

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