Why are cosmetics being split?

Why is it that gear that is clearly supposed to go together is being split into seperate pieces?
You know full well that most people would prefere the combined version. Why can’t we have just that as an unlockable?

It is so that you can sell a combined version for Aquillas, isn’t it?

How I suppose a combined (much cooler) version would most likely look:

Further examples of people noticing the same issue:


God that look so good combined. The bag over his head looks so dumb


i think the bag alone could look good as a balaclava, but really the cosmetic system should be much more robust. we should be able to choose the color, and variation of a piece of armor if there are variations. we should be able to put hoods up on anything with a hood.


Exactly, frankly it’s annoying how lazy they kitbash free cosmetics. Instead of using the tiered penance system to unlock various stages of a helmet (redacted zealot head cosmetic for instance) they split them up to either stretch the amount of free stuff they can give out or flat out resell you the combined versions through the shop.

I didn’t expect they could go any lower but they always manage to bring along something new that exceeds my expectations.


Probably to pad out the progression track, the same way it’s padded out with trinkets. I can only assume we’re meant to get the combined versions as penances in the future, if not the cash shop. I think it’s super lame overall - this game is so stingy at times I almost get the impression Fatshark are expecting to go bankrupt in the next few years.


Maybe next update after itemization/crafting introduction will be: Mixing Cosmetics?
I hope against hope…


Well, before you had one cosmetic and now you have two!

You’ve done twice the work by splitting it in half.

I should try that with my upcomming lab report…


Just turn in half the page in one week and the other half the next!

Edit: Reminds me of how they did the Traitors Curse update… split that straight into two lol


Table in one report, data in the other.
X and Y axis in one report, graph in the other.
Out of the three graphs that i do put in, 2 are the same ones but in different colors.
Axis description and units are paid DLC.


Now we’re cooking with gas :slight_smile:

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