The body and helmets are not separately equipable (unlike every other cosmetic in the game barring the VT1 cosmetics which should also be separate) and this makes it at first unexpected and second unappealing because it is taking away the possibility to mix and match with our other skins and allow us to customize our heroes the way we want. I hope this was unintended and you mean to fix it in the near future, as they stand, they are borderline unacceptable since you are charging the same as for other skins while in reality they currently are a single item each.
It’s an intended design choice set by Games Workshop. Though we appreciate it could be clearer, and we’ll be adding disclaimer messages in-game to state they are all-in-one. Sorry for any confusion!
Unfortunately no - we aren’t able to make them separate, as this is Games Workshop’s decision. Please drop us a support ticket regarding a refund:
Really odd that the Alarielle/Leoncoeur skins got a pass. All the better for those, at least.
But if this was going to be the case, why did you guys even decide to go with skins based on renowned characters in the first place? What made Todbringers armour so attractive in the first place was simply the fact that It was armour. Not that it was Todbringers. Until now, BH virtually didn’t have anything else besides 87 recolours of the same vest, and a really silly looking robe.
Similar story for the other skins. Sienna could have gotten a generic vampire count outfit, it didn’t have to be Isabella’s. They’re all monochrome coloured corsettes with draped skirts anyway. No need to include the silly wig and GW wouldn’t have cared.
I’m not trying to complain for the sake of complaining. I just hope that different design decisions will be made in the future, as this makes no sense to me.
If this product is inherently inferior thanks to those clowns at GW, then my humble feedback is to stop making these cosmetics and make ones that can be swapped around. You’ve been doing this for years, what’s different about these ones? Makes skins like in the past and not these.
Why’d GW suddenly start sucking again, it wasn’t an issue with past skins, even the Louen and Belegar skins.
And I’m 100% sure that you knew about this “rule” before you started working on the skins, just as you knew that people wouldn’t like it. And I’m also sure that the developer of one of the largest and most popular games around WH Fantasy has enough leverage (including the current (shown in this thread) opinion of the players, as well as the fact that not any less, but may be even much more significant characters like Alarielle the Everqueen, Louen Leoncoeur, Thyrus Gormann have already been released as separate skins) to convince GW.
Eh… Maybe I just should calm down. No one is forcing me to buy these skins, and I’m grateful for the new map, it’s just… It just feels terrible. Feels terrible for the people who made these skins, because they won’t get the proper recognition. At the same time, feels terrible for those who, despite skins’ downsides, will be “forced” to buy them, because these are the only skins for their favorite careers.
Anyway, thanks for this all, FS. I am glad to finish the second year with your game, and I am grateful for all the support that you continue to give it.
Big L for everyone. For us majority players, which won’t use this pack. For Fatshark , who will not recieve the support they deserve for new map. And of course GW, will not recieve their profit cut because of this whole moronic decision.
Yeah I bought this cosmetic pack specifically to mix and match. Was super excited and then very disappointed when I saw they’re stuck together. No thanks. Refund requested. Another anti-player restriction from Games Workshop, which doesn’t seem to understand that even in tabletop, people freakin love kitbashing. Stop controlling every little thing in an RPG.