Quick list -
These could all be under the gameplay options to toggle on and off, maybe some people don’t want extra icons on their HUD
Countdown timers for triggered abilities (reload after elite kill, revenge dmg, next grenade regen etc) so we know how long we have left to utilize it or if its triggered at all
Buff icons (Show when Camo is active, or if I benefit from my ogryn lead the charge etc.) We don’t know if my teammates have certain abilities unless there’s an icon showing me when I get their buff. No one is going to have a 5 minute discussion about everyone’s build before each match.
Dodge count icon (how many dodges in the current iteration) so we can better judge reset
Show buffs from allies on left bottom, dodge count in middle and buffs from yourself on right (next to your ability)
Seems like these timers are already calculated into the game so I’m not a coder but having the already in game timers be displayed seems relatively easy to implement.