When subclasses

I asked this 2 months ago, no replies so here we go again:

Will there be any new subclasses this year?

This year.

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I think there is no way for subclasses to come out before the xbox release. Basically noone is working on the PC version, everyone is porting the xbox version.

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I’m no official source but if you’re looking for someone to tell you what is what, I’ll give it a whirl.

No subclasses this year. Expect the Xbox port for the Christmas period to capitalise on sales, and crossplay between Xbox and PC sometime around February/March '24.

Season one might start mid '24 but it’s probably more reasonable to expect it in Q3 or Q4 of '24. It’s about the time of Season 1 that we’ll see any sort of chatter around subclasses.

my best guess is NOT before DT turns 1 year old
I know this isn’t helping much but at least it keeps some hope alive for Q1-Q2 2024

they’ve got to meet deadlines with other companies on the game’s rollout, so subclasses are paused to the back for now.

4 classes with the xbox release is my expectation, although that may be huffing copium.

From what I understand on paper the xbox release isn’t that difficult, this isn’t the same situation as VT2 with local AI which needed a special version to run on console, DT should run mostly out of the box like it is just another pc, (Xbox series S specs are similar to my old pc before I upgraded, and I ran DT fine).

So assuming that all goes well they are in theory mostly working on content like 4 new classes, and content like the plague bearers etc.

The hole in my expectation is that Fatshark may be so slow, that even without a difficult console release, they may not be able to get the classes done in time…

but I’m coping hard that is not the case :zipper_mouth_face:

Not before Xmas is my guess. I’ve also asked the question on both the forum and discord, FS don’t want to say anything. Given their previous comments against things like road maps, or future updates.

I think we can all just forget anything about a new sub class every quarter, that was previously promised and then revoked.

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