WHC is the only subpar class left

His ult timer is abysmal for what it does and there is no reason for him to have so little HP compared to the other classes. The tagging mechanic is ok but it’s tedious because you have to re tag the same target every few seconds or you lose the buff which doesn’t make any sense. Fixing these would not be hard.


Pretty sure anyone in the party who tags can trigger the 20% more damage. It should last longer though, I agree.

His HP is exactly the same as nearly every other character besides tanks, but yea, some of them do have HP increase talents.

Pyro & BW = 100 HP
BH & WHC = 100 HP
Shade and WS = 100 HP
Slayer & RV = 100 HP
Huntsman = 100 HP
FK & IB & UC & Zealot = 150 HP
Merc & HM = 125 HP

That’s off the top of my head, correct me if I’m wrong.

The crit increase is pretty Sweet. But an increase in time active would be great, or a decrease in cooldown would help as well. It’s not that bad though. You can currently always have it up after each horde in case of a patrol or if it’s needed for a boss stagger.

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I would say the Ult is pretty bad. The CC is the most important part, because unless the crit chance is high enough to push 100% crit, it can do literally nothing if the dice rolls the wrong way in the time it’s up. That’s my main beef with it.


He’s subpar but he isn’t absolutely horrible.
The tag bonus should stick around as long as the tag holds and not just 5s.
The ult is good if the cooldown get’s decreased but it’s heresy only accusation is the correct ult.


Tagging every enemy feels like work and is a completely unecessary feature. Either you tag everything to get your bonus or you are penalized for not doing that. It is pretty cumbersome.
Autotag on hits, aoe tagging and/or increasing the duration are needed to make this skill fun to use.

Also it is odd everyone in the team is able to use WHC’s ability. I mean…if I join a game as Witchhunter Captain I am the Witchhunter Captain and Witchhunt is my skill. It takes some of the identity to allow everyone to use Witchhunt.

It’s a passive skill… why would you want a “subpar” character nerfed even more lol. It’s no different than paced strikes spreading to team mates, or huntsmans crit aura, etc.

I know some people macro their tag skill to the attack button. So they always tag whatever they are attacking. Works great on WHC and constantly reapplies the tag every time you attack.

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I frequently find myself tagging things that I don’t myself attack though. If I’m fighting a mauler, and then my sword and shield mate fights another two - I’d rather tag one of his opponents to ease his struggle simply all it takes is one crit (which is not a rare thing on a proper build) for me to kill my opponent.
That’s why I have tag on mouse wheel - takes a day or to to get used to it, but then it’s a breeze.

Tagging enemies (and items) is a habit you really should learn in this game, even outside WHC. It helps in locating and tracking, well, basically everything. Teleporting Specials, Elites in crowds, Bosses… The first step in that direction would be to rebind the key, as T is kinda awkward to use actively (at least for me). Personally, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t always even realize when I’m tagging things (and moving to certain other games like BL2, it leads to unwanted behavior). BTW, some experienced players even think that how much a player tags things is a good indicator of the player’s general skill and experience. It’s not always reliable, but it’s a good indicator of how much to pay attention to their actions in the future…

In general, I think WHC could really use that 25 extra Health, or some other means of survival. He has no ammo regen or other means of reliably sitting on the backlines, and no way to survive strong hits on the frontline, so his durability is a bit questionable. His kit also doesn’t combo that well with most of his melee weapons (although that’s debatable), getting the most use out of (low-damage) headshots. Relying on headshots also makes him tricky to play, especially combined with the low durability, which is quite bad for a starting career.

And yes, I think his Career Skill is a bit underwhelming. The cooldown is too long to use it for crowd control and the duration and/or the crit chance buff are too low to really make use of the buff. One of these aspects enhanced (imo, the cooldown time would be best) slightly would make it feel much better.

All in all, the WHC combines to a Career that’s tricky to play, requiring experience (and certain setups) to do well. While he’s very effective when played well, that’s not easy, and I think a character’s starting Career should be a simpler affair.


I agree about WHC but I don’t agree about this:

WHC is the only subpar class left

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The additional damage to taggable enemies is just tedious as it means tags must be spammed for the sake of efficiency, in short a mechanic that is so far from fun it is almost unbelievable.


Do you know what tag spamming is? Hitting Q like a maniac while playing Battlefield 4 so you can tag as much enemies as possible while simultaneously shooting at those same enemies. Tagging in VT doesn’t even come close to that. It isn’t that hard to tag an enemy every 5-10 seconds, if nothing else it requires a little bit more focus.
That being said, it would be nice if WH’s tag should have a different color outline than the rest. Orange maybe?

I find that the only thing that WHC realy need is another veteran weapon illusion for his rapiere thats all.

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I think 125hp and 140 sec cooldown instead of 180 would be fine. I really don’t think that would make him op. Would of course be really nice if his tag could have a different colour. I don’t have a problem with the tag mechanic. Normally i constantly tag enemys even if im not playing WHC and in my experience most other players do that too. Just makes it easier to see the attacks of an elite inside an horde. If you rebind tagging to your mouse wheel for example then this is really not a problem.


Not once did I say it was hard, it is easy to spam tag enemies, you offered a complete misrepresentation.

It is however terrible design and boring.


What if his Witch-Hunt ability also gave him 20% damage reduction towards the tagged target ?
Ironbreaker and Footknight(with 5% talent) have 30% on them all the time. With a shield it takes them to 50%
Having 20% reduction towards only ‘few’ enemies at a time doesn’t sound unbalanced to me. It could help towards survivability of this class.

his tagging wise - I think that as long as the enemy has blue Tag overlay on him the Witch-Hunt bonus should apply untill it fades. It’s not like the skaven/chaos live that long anyway.

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I’ve referred to this part. It doesn’t feel like spamming if you tag once in 5-10 seconds, but ok, that might be subjective. WHC is directing and leading his fellow combatants. He points to an enemy/weak spot of an enemy and directs his allies towards that specific enemy. It feels ok gameplay-wise and roleplay-wise.

That would make sense. He focuses on a specific enemy and thus he gets a bonus on defense vs that one. It’s not OP IMO. Even 10% would be good.

I am more like
2s later dead
2s later dead
TA…already dead
5s later

That is really no fun and tedious. And it is because I tag everything. That is indeed a feature more people should use, even without WHC in the team.

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I just came here to write this exact post pretty much, glad I didn´t have to :smiley: WHC really needs some more love, he is really cool and has a pretty fun gameplay imo, but he is pretty difficult to play well, and even if you do, he performs worse than pretty much any other class, period, which is some bull*hit right there. His ult should definitely get a CD decrease, about 30% I would say, his hp a 25 hp boost, and the tag should at the very least give the dmg bonus for as long as the tag remains.

I think it could also be pretty cool to have his ult also tag every taggable enemy in like a 40 yard radius for 10 seconds, with the dmg bonus applied (it seems op, but I think it wouldn´t really be, since 10 seconds isn´t that much - and it could be less even - and 20% dmg bonus that is already a perfectly viable option, just in lower quantities, also doesn´t break the game in any way. I feel like this would be a great addition to his gameplay style and make him more of a support class. I always read and hear he is a support class, but he has very little to offer in the way of supporting his team the way I see it.


Keep it in its its entirety, please, rather than picking out one part.

Certainly, you don’t have to spam it, but not using it at every opportunity means you’re engaging certain situations and enemies at a disadvantage.

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IT should be automatically applied when the taggable enemies are in range. This should be benefit enough (if it was the right range) OR I think taggable enemies in melee combat with Saltzpire should suffer some damage for being so close to him. His unshakable faith in Sigmar causes them pain simply being close to him.