Weapon stuttering/lag halfway through match

Halfway through a match I get terrible stuttering when shooting weapons, mostly noticeable on automatic weapons. This only affects the weapons, the rest of the game is smooth. The sound and animation stutters like it’s a server sync issue. It’s also noticeable on melee weapon shoves, the animation will begin but doesn’t complete and tries to finish.

Occurs about halfway through a mission when the first or second horde is spawned, seems to be related to fighting hordes of enemies. It’s smooth before that. The only time I’ve noticed that it has corrected itself is after I die and get rescued, or of course when I start a new mission.


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Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
console-2023-10-10-21.13.47-10e3c4da-96a7-4b35-a284-638fad6c8699.log (432.6 KB)

I’ve come to report that this appears to be character specific. I tried my high level zealot and don’t get this issue, but I do on my level 7 zealot, and on my veteran it has gotten much worse and the accelerated firing is 100% consistent starting at the beginning of the match.

You think that’s bad?

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