Weapon Balance: Chain Weapons, 2 Handers and Combat Axes

My point was more towards me really wanting Caxe to be bad against maniacs (as by design). I think you clearly have a point about how ridiculously good it is against the Crushers.

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I disagree with this point entirely. I’m saying that rn you don’t have any choice on the perks, blessings, and modifiers you take with certain weapons like the combat knife and chain weapons. Designing a weapon set that can only be used with 1 specific perk tree selection and 1 combination of blessings isn’t very fun design for build variety and doesn’t leave the weapon type feeling very balanced with competing weapon families that can actually be used with ANY perk tree and with multiple blessing combos.

You basically echo what I think about it. Once you are good at Caxe (which is more or less general gameplay and decision-making) it is absolutely busted. Just to illustrate, we do HiD double grim runs with 2 Caxe Zealot with my SO regularly and we just bomb rush the map doing it in 19-22 min and it isn’t even challenging. I can’t run that time with TH even when it had the 50%/stack bug on Thrush and it’s a lot less safe…


I agree with you completely on this. Even if the devs just made it so the Caxe can’t neutralize a crusher in one hit locking it in an inescapable stagger chain they’d open up some much needed room for other weapons to feel more required to take on specific enemy types.

It’s not enough on Zealot. Due to the Ult interaction, the Crusher dueling thing is nice, but you can kill a crusher with most ranged weapons with Ult (Including things like even the laspistol). The Crusher thing is bad, but that’s not why the Caxe is so strong, or not the most impactful thing, especially on Zealot.

It needs to be bad at something, at that, something was maniacs by design. Anti-Carapace also needs an adjustment because it’s just overtuned compared to TH, PS, and Chain weapons.


Very true… even on a vet without chastise and melee oriented perks it’s a little too effective at too many varieties of dangerous enemies to feel in line with the other weapon options. I don’t know if nuking it’s carapace damage completely would feel right seeing as axes are generally decent at cleaving through armor plates but at the very least the two hander anti armor specialist weapons like Eviscerators and hammers should feel a lot more impactful against deadly armored up baddies than a hatchet


I think you misunderstood something that i said, because the reasons you gave for why you do not agree with me, are actually in complete agreement with what i said.

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That article is probably quite outdated. According to current rulebooks powerswords are quite common. Catachans don’t use them but in the Cadian shock troops - despite their severe supply shortages due to Cadias destruction - even lowly lieutenants have access to powerswords. In other formations of the Astra Militarum even Seargents use them. Navy breachers hand them even out to rank and file troopers.
So influential inquisitors should be able to secure some for their warband.


Not in 40k. Honestly not in real life either but in the commonly accepted norms for medieval game combat yeah, fair enough. But carapace armor isn’t like medieval armor. Neither is flak like modern flak. Carapace can shrug of boltgun rounds. In 40k the heavy stubber, a .50cal equivalent, doesn’t even penetrate flak armor. Your axe is meaningless. The only hope you have is sliding between the plates. The combat axe should do around the same damage, perhaps a touch more, to carapace that the heavy sword special does.

Anyway i think i’m hearing a lot of agreement in this thread just not a precise agreement on precisely the plan. But the caxe is just way out of line in every domain and we all agree. We all, especially, want to see chain weapons do way better and i’m hearing us all agree that the various highly distinct power weapons aren’t quite hitting the highs they should hit within their specialties.


Absolutely - and that these pseudo medieval rules are forced upon DT just because the predecessor was set in a pseudo medieval fantasy world is quite unimmersive.


Probably very much the reason why the ranged weapons pretty closely align to the lore and are mostly well balance (the range of issues is smaller). This was very much a key point of this thread. Trying to show that the weapons don’t make sense in 40k lore or crunch and that this problem isn’t too hard to fix even.


except the key point that there is no CHOICE in the blessings, perks, and modifiers you take for the weapons I mentioned

Right. He was proposing the hypothetical that if there was choice then this would be fine. But there isn’t.

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Mb for misreading then

@Reginald you might want to do separate tests for the ironhelm and crucis thunder hammer, given how the two marks involve wholly different play styles. Though it’s a bit uncomfortable to juggle between the two, as a crucis TH guy I find a bit awkward playing ironhelm. But when I think about it they are so distant from each other it’s almost two separate weapons, the difference of gameplay is not far from playing a chainaxe and an eviscerator if I can give an example while stretching a bit

I used the crucius for nearly 300 hours prior to the ironhelm being released. The crucius hits certain important breakpoints more easily but suffers in cleave. But since the ironhelm can hit most of the breakpoints i consider relevant and do so in a mixed group a lot more easily i prefer it. In any case i am not playing darktide again until there is a significant content addition so my data collection pretty much ends here.

You’ve put quite some effort in this game i recon, time for a pause! You’ll be back :wink:

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I certainly hope so.

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