The Traitorous 6th seem to have conscripted Ogryns in vast numbers, literally swelling their ranks to enormous proportions. Defeat this bulwark of corrupt flesh and take back the streets of Tertium.
To make progress in the event, complete any missions with the Brute Conscripts condition.
This event will start today, Thursday, January 16, 2025. It’s live right now, actually! This event is available on Auric and Non-Auric Mission boards.
The rewards will be Ordo dockets, Plasteel and Diamantine. Those who complete the final tier of the event will receive a new Frame: the Killiest Frame.
We are working on the next Hotfix which will be released at the end of January. Next up in January, we’ll be sharing the dev blog with Jesper Kyd. We interviewed him all about his process of creating music for Darktide.
Let’s have a year filled with eviscerating heretics For The Emperor.
Hopefully we will see a fix for the psyker masteries being stuck with unspendable points! And the return of spireside mission.
Wishful thinking hopes for a new mission set or a new psyker ability/weapon combo soon (staff, or sword and spell, etc). I would still LOVE to see a weapon with a special attack that is ranged like Chainsword + Laspistol as a weapon combo.
Really hope we see some more of Dan’s writing coming out as well as hints towards future enemies etc. I am still quite hopefull for this games future now a lot of the kinks and problems have been ironed out.
OH! And since its my birthday today: Can we please remember that the Commissary exists Fatshark? Maybe add the new weapons to it so we can get the fire camo and such skins for the new guns and swords? thanks
I appreciate the sentiment, but idk, I think I would rather have a new modifier and frame than nothing in between the months long waits for bigger updates at least.