We definitely need more types of missions goals

At the moment we have 6 types of missions, but it’s very noticeable that we actually only have five types of goals and they’re reused quite a lot:

  1. Placate the nagging Tech Priest (aka wait/fix a hack);
  2. Point pointy things at beeping objects (aka scan with auspexes);
  3. Smash poop demons until they die;
  4. Move boxes of stuff to places;
  5. Kill a boss. This gets special attention as the boss isn’t really any different than a monstrosity, except it comes with reinforcements waves.

I was really disappointed when I realized that Repair mission is simply #1 then #4 exactly like Raid mission. #3 is reused between Smelter mission and the treatment plant mission as well (but at least these two don’t have exact same structure).

We need more variety here.

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The party line is that this is all coming at launch. I am worried as well, I haven’t played a ton but I have memorized all the missions, their routes, and objectives. It’s now just execution and higher difficulties. We’re at the point where we know how to farm the spawning hordes properly.

I’d just say - we need more of the game.
I have my fears that the launch won’t bring us more than what we have.
And what we have is less than what we used to have with V2 launch.