Voidstrike Staff /w Surge + Nexus Blessing - is it really good?!?

A couple of times i’ve read that people want a Voidstrike Staff with Surge Blessing.
Well i was lucky and made me one decent, but i’m not sure it is that good as i thought it would be.
I try to crit as much as possible, aim for heads and have a Crit orientaded, Smite, Shriek /w Soulblaze and Syphon build atm. I use Void until max peril, have killed some specialits and elites,use shriek aplly more soulblaze and then Smite (good versus Horde) then Sword or quell and repeat.

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Had a similar level of disillusionment with mine. It’s working BETTER since swapping my build to heavily focus on crit chance, but it’s still hit or miss with performance, even while hitting headshots.

Feels incredibly inconsistent even after mapping out which charge should kill which enemies on Damn. Could just be connection to unstable servers, could be it’s over-hyped. Could be I suck. Don’t really care, it’s just not as reliable as I’d hoped.


I like both versions of the voidstrike builds.

If you’re running surge on void, you don’t build it for critchance. You take the talent that gives you a guaranteed ranged crit after hitting 5 weakspots.
These weakspot hits can be done in a single projectile or in melee.

If you run the 10% BB on any attack as well, you can one-shot mutants and crushers if everything alligns and that happens more ofthen than you’d think.

Voidstrike with surge is disgustingly good if you have the right build and play it well and imo, it’s more fun than the alternative.

Being able to never blow up with it and spam domes is very strong too and probably better if you have to carry a team.

i’ll try that, tbh i wasnt aware there is such a talent.

based on play style you’re suggesting what is a good secondary blessing for surge then? does blazing spirit work well with soul fire talents? or is there something better

also what are the best perks? carapace armor and … ?

Some say Blazing Spirit i hear, but i have none and imho Warp Nexus is still better fit to have higher chance to crit anyway.

Warp flurry is my must have on a voidstrike.

Perks are flak and maniac damage.

Works too if you prefer spreading fire to the remaining enemies you’re not actively shooting at.

The thing is, the more use you get out of the guaranteed crit talent, the less value you get out of warp nexus. Aka, this is a blessing that skill can completely replace.

  • for me personally, I usually prefer more consistantcy / don’t like having to hope for randomness to save me

Omg… that’s pretty much a god-roll item. x.x I’ve spent millions + plasteel trying to craft something like it and haven’t come even close so far. Best ones have compromises on all primary stats, without +flak either (but then, +unyielding is pretty good too).

I have tons of builds and I keep changing them but for this post, I’ll be referring to this build:

I’ve made tons and tons of psyker builds and played 2 of them since release on T5+. And imo a Void like that is easily right up there as one of the very best, strongest staves. But I agree it did take some getting used to, mostly because the old meta Void was so different. The old Void was weaker and used Warp Flurry & Transfer Peril, so you’d always want to charge it to full and then fire. There was little point learning any breakpoints beyond just hitting heads at full charge.

But the post overhaul crit Void is slow but much stronger. So you need different skills to use it. It takes way more dodging & positioning to compensate for its lack of speed, including charging & firing the staff while sliding for mobility & defense. You need to prioritize better than before, to make every shot count. You need to learn breakpoints so you don’t waste 2x the time doing max charge blasts against hordes or wounded enemies that die from ~40-50% charge anyway (and ofc different breakpoints for kills vs. stagger, for head vs. chest). This also means learning to mix in primary fire to quickly finish or stagger random mobs too (actually primary is good for crit Void for a lot of reasons). And you need to learn far more precise and constant peril management and a habit of doing micro-quells between every few blasts. Because this time you don’t have Transfer Peril, while Warp Nexus means you have to dance at high peril for that max crit bonus & Warp Rider.

You should also at least try to track talents like True Aim and Perfect Timing. PT procs on attacks, not hits, so it can proc even without enemies to hit. Keeping track of TA ofc lets you put those max charge Surge blasts where they count. And to return to the value of those primaries, since they’re much cheaper and faster than secondaries, they don’t just make for great finishers, they are also fantastic for stacking PT and TA, making sure your charged blasts have maximum value.

There are other interactions too ofc. Perilous Combustion is strong on its own against big groups with specials+ in there, but if you combine that with Vent at 80%+ peril (for the 6-stack Soublaze), you can reach extreme SB stacks starting domino effects all over the place and easily laning an entire field of everything. The trick ofc is to know which between ulting the horde vs. specials is the better idea. Because of how narrow and slow the crit Void is, using that Vent to take care of those wide berths of trash behind you while focusing the Void on the special+ in front, is often the better idea.

I’d also add that because Void has such a bad horizontal control, Vent plays a much larger role with it than it usually does with staves, especially with Smite when things get too spicy for Void to handle.

But it’s really, really strong. Just takes getting used to. :joy:

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it good, but i would do transfer perils but i don’t, it kind of depends on what they of build your running your doing a Scriers Gaze then it would be quite effective, but the issue is Overheating and dying as staffs and Gaze just don’t combine well with each other, Warp Flurry always good to increase Charge rate but not Required. but Blazing Souls is okay, but depends on if your running a soul blaze build, while Transfer Perils kind of negates Gaze’s Heat up a bit but that requires accurate weak spot hits, Warp nexus is good but is dependent Charge management.

i know why, but i learn to work around it.
Flurry is more crucial on Trauma Staff imho.
I have one with Flurry 4 and Rampage 4 (stacks brittleness)

i know what you want to say and i dont completly disagree, but i have another argument and that is that you dont have allways horde around or you have to kill 5+ Reapers, Maulers etc.
That talent is really good and imho easy to procc when enough enemies are around, but i still want to crit as often as possible with this blessing also when i open fire for example, mostly because to stack “perfect timing”.

It’s true, but i get better and better again.
I used Void also a lot pre patch and just because i got one with Surge 4 i started to look for Nexus IV also and got one from Melk.
Believe me i also have spent around 5 M dockets the last days only on Psyker for Staved and Swords etc.
My Diamantine is ok, but i’m broke under a million dockets now and plasteel i have to find all the time to do anything at Hadron.

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