Issue Description:
I have a long running issue where models appear very low quality even on high settings. I found someone else who had the same CPU as me (5600x) suggesting that a fix is to the disable Mesh Streaming in the settings_common.ini file, which works for me, but I have to change this setting in the file every time an update drops and the file is reset. Would love a fix for this, or make this an in-game setting i disable permanently.
In the new mission (carnival) I saw some visual glitches (see screenshots below) which my friends playing in the same mission didn’t see, which I think might be related - when I played the mission again later having changed the setting manually in the file again, the glitches were not present.
Steps to Reproduce:
I get this whenever I play without having manually changed the “mesh_streamer_settings” to disable=true
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Present everywhere, including morningstar, but most obvious in the new Carnival map in the arena.
[Steam/Microsoft Store/Xbox]
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
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[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]