Veteran's talent tree feels bad man

Honestly, I don’t think the trees are as inflexible as folks think, and I don’t think it needs an outright rework. Conceptually, I’m probably one of the few weirdoes that really likes what they were going for with each of the trees. I do think some things should be shuffled around and/or buffed though:

  • Executioner’s stance tree is the only viable section in terms of staying competitive DPS-wise. Key problem with it is that the survivability trade off is way too steep relative to other classes. Vet was always rather squishy, the current balance turned him from a glass cannon to a paper mache cannon. If vet being this vulnerable is within intent then the tree needs access to mobility boosting options. Otherwise currently the only way to be reasonably survivable is to run only knifes.

It is also worth noting that the Sharpshooter tree along other DPS carry trees from other classes need to all be probably be hit with (at least) a slight nerf. Consistently going over 600-800K melee or ranged DMG while the rest of the team is between 300-500k DMG on Auric Maelstrom and STG when using some of the usual suspects is some clown world sh*t.

  • Voice of Command tree needs easier access to DMG options, either boost it’s native DMG talents or give it an ability DMG modifier besides the final talent. Instant revive CR tax needs to be removed or the talent should also give additional charges of it if the CR tax remains. Otherwise it’s pretty solid right now.

  • Infiltrate is in a rough spot, remove the For The Emperor - Low Profile talent mutually exclusive lock as a start. Vanguard talent should also provide movement speed, otherwise it feels like a tax node, this could also solve the sharpshooter tree’s mobility problem. Revive speed modifier talent needs to have additional effects to entice people to pick it. Extra CR or a charge maybe? Also all commando tree DMG sources should revolve around the vet switching between ranged and melee. All of it’s DMG sources should be hybrid DMG at a minimum, and will likely need to be buffed afterwards too anyways.

  • All grenade talent benefits should be consolidated into 3 Talents, and each be native to one of the trees but be easily accessible by others. Tinkerer bonus should give smoke grenades access to a DMG option, basically it converts it to a White Phosphorous Grenade and allows it to apply burn stacks (up to a cap) to all enemies that come into contact with the smoke cloud. This should entice people to actually pick it, and open up additional synergies for DoT builds.

  • All aura talents should either be reworked to be more powerful or merged into a single one. Ammo efficiency across the board is in the gutter under the current balance, therefore no one in their right minds will pick anything else over scavenger.

  • Extra ammo capacity talent needs to be a central node, easily accessible by all trees and higher up.

  • Vet survivability is in the garbage bin atm, even if you’re running pure commando or officer. Either increase the vet’s base HP or Toughness stats or have the relevant talent nodes provide a higher bonus.